
New Boss

Clara snapped, her patience wearing thin. "What do you want? Why are you here? To feed me more lies like you've been doing for the past six years? Or are you here to beg for a chance to explain, so you can continue deceiving me for another ten or twenty years, or whenever you feel like it's enough?"

"Clara, please..." Hayley tried to speak.

But Clara cut in sharply. "Please what, Nina? Oh, that's right, your real name isn't Nina... it's...Hayley. Hayley or whatever the fuck your name is, I want you off my porch. Your presence makes me cringe, and you don't deserve to be here," Clara retorted coldly.

Hayley felt a pang of sadness as she stared at Clara, but she quickly shook off her hurtful feelings.

Ignoring Clara's harsh words, Hayley extended her hand, offering the package she had bought to her. "Here. I brought you these... Ams Chocolate, your favorite. And..."

Clara snapped irritably. "And you think this will pacify me? Change how I feel about you? You're sorely mistaken, ma
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