
Second Chance denied

*Five years ago*

"He lied to me, Nina. He betrayed me. He betrayed my trust. Why does everyone keep lying to me?" Clara asked tearfully, her eyes stung with painful tears as she looked at Hayley. "I don't understand--" Her voice broke, rendering her speechless as she collapsed on Hayley's shoulder and began sobbing.

Hayley felt a pang of sadness as she watched her new best friend cry over a man, just like she had done a year ago when Leonardo had broken her heart.

"It's okay, Clara. Everything's going to be fine. Please, stop crying," Hayley consoled her gently, rubbing Clara's back soothingly.

But Clara resisted, continuing to lament again.

"Nothing is going to be fine, Nina! I'm broken. Martin broke me. I'm tired of people lying to my face and keeping secrets from me. I'm not a child, they should tell me the truth. I can handle it. He should be able to own up to what he did..." Clara sobbed relentlessly, despite Hayley's numerous attempts to pacify her with words.

She continued, her
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