
Unwanted reunion

"Uncle Adrian!" Daisy exclaimed enthusiastically, freeing herself from Hayley's grasp and rushing over to Adrian.

Adrian lifted her up and affectionately kissed her temple before carrying her in his arms.

He gently patted her hair, "How are you, my little angel? Did you have a good time?"

He gazed at Daisy with fondness.

But Daisy shook her head sadly, "Not really. I got mommy worried."

Adrian furrowed his brow at her, mirroring her sad expression.

"Why? What happened?"

He turned to Hayley with curiosity, not even realizing Leonardo was behind him.

"What went wrong?" Adrian's voice was filled with concern.

Hayley shook her head, "It's nothing, Adrian. Don't worry about it." 

Adrian frowned at her before turning back to Daisy.

"What happened, baby? Why was Mommy  worried?"

Hayley tried to convey through eye contact to Daisy not to tell him, but she couldn't understand.

Daisy innocently told Adrian. "Luna and I got lost today. Mommy got worried."

Adrian's eyes widened, his brow furrowing even more. "H-How did that happen?"

"It's no big deal, Adrian," Clara interjected, "It's all been resolved. Right now, all you need to do is thank the stranger who found them."

Adrian turned to Clara, confused. "Stranger? Who was it? Where is he?"

"He's standing right behind you," Clara replied, smiling.

This should have been the moment for Hayley to be fraught with anxiety, but instead, She was expressionless, anticipating what would happen next when Leonardo and Adrian meet. 

Hayley watched as Adrian turned his head to face Leonardo.

"Him?" He asked skeptically.

"Yes," Clara replied.

Without hesitation, Adrian extended his hand towards him for a handshake.

"Thank you so much for finding my daughter and her friend. I owe you one," he expressed his gratitude. "I'm Adrian. Adrian Lewis. May I know your name?"

Leonardo shook his hand, stealing glances at Hayley before returning his attention to Michael.

"I'm Damian. Damian Logan."

As they conversed a few more words, Hayley's mind drifted into a deep abyss. She watched Leonardo closely, unable to grasp her thoughts, but admiring his physique as her eyes roamed over his body.

He looked very good in his black leather jacket, taking her back to... Her admiration was abruptly disrupted by Adrian's words.

"I must admit Damian, you bear a striking resemblance to my daughter. It's almost as if you're her doppelganger. One might think you two are related," Adrian joked.

Gosh! If only he knew.

Leonardo chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"You're right. We do look alike, don't we, little girl?" He playfully ruffled Daisy's hair, but Hayley quickly stepped in and slapped his hand off.

"No, you don't! There is no resemblance whatsoever!" She scolded, her tone turning harsh and her eyes darkening.

Leonardo froze, retracting his hand and straightening his posture. Hayley's reaction seemed to have caught everyone off guard, including Adrian. They all looked at her with puzzled expressions.

"What's gotten into you, Nina? You're being very rude! It was just a joke," Clara reprimanded, disliking her behavior.

"I don't find such jokes funny," Hayley retorted, taking Daisy from Adrian's arms.

Adrian glanced at her but remained quiet, choosing to apologize to Leonardo instead.

"I apologize, man. Please don't take her words to heart," he pleaded.

But Hayley interjected sharply, "Let him take it to heart for all I care. I don't give two f's anyways."

"Nina!!" Clara scolded sternly.

Hayley knew they had perceived her behavior as rude, especially because this man had supposedly found her child and she was expected to be grateful. But if only they knew the true reason for her outburst. If only they could understand the pain she had endured at the hands of this heartless and callous man, standing before them in the guise of Damian whatever.

Her mind was filled with rage as the memories came flooding back. Hayley knew she couldn't stay there any longer, lest she do something she would regret later.

So without further discussion, she stated abruptly, "I want to go home."

Adrian and Clara turned to look at her, eyeing her with puzzlement as if they were expecting her to have done something.

"What?" Hayley asked irritably, annoyed by their unreadable gazes.

"What's the matter with you, Nina? Apologize to him. He found your child and this is how you repay him? Where are your manners?" Clara chided, clearly irritated.

Hayley retorted, "Apologize to him. For what? For stalking our children and spying on their every move? Do you even know this man? Can you be sure of his intentions?!"

Clara gaped at her in shock, shaking her head in disbelief.

"What has gotten into you, Nina?"

"Nothing is wrong with me! This is your fault, Clara. I entrusted my child's care to you and you allowed her to wander off into the arms of a stranger. A stalker! What is wrong with you, Clara?"

Hayley couldn't quite understand the root of her strange behavior, but in that moment she needed someone to vent her anger and frustrations on. And unfortunately for her, Clara had just happened to be her victim.

As Clara's face twisted with shock, she stepped back, unable to believe Hayley's words. "Are you seriously taking this out on me right now?" she asked in disbelief.

"I am taking it out on you!" Hayley retorted, her eyes sparkling with annoyance. 

"Ladies, please. Enough! That's enough!" Adrian interrupted his voice firm. "Let's just be grateful that we found the kids, and stop blaming ourselves for our mistakes..." he turned to Damian, "I apologize for this, Mr. Logan. Perhaps we can talk some other time. Please. Here is my card." Adrian took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to Leonardo. "I am the CEO of MF Arts. You can always come to see me at the company."

Leonardo took the card, glancing at it before tucking it into his pants pocket. "Thank you. I apologize if I..."

"No need to apologize. We are very thankful to you. I believe my love is just having a bad day. Please excuse us, and forgive her outbursts. Trust me, she isn't usually like this."

Leonardo simply nodded and said, "I understand."

Hayley observed Leonardo closely, feeling annoyed by his façade of being a calm and understanding gentleman.

Adrian held her hand and whispered in her ear, "Let's go love. Come on."

Hayley exhaled deeply before nodding. She followed behind Adrian after he bid farewell to Leonardo and Clara.

When they reached the car, Adrian opened the door for her before getting in on his side.

Hayley could sense his sadness and worry at her behavior. 

Adrian held onto the steering wheel, his gaze fixed on Hayley while she stared ahead at the windshield, her expression neutral.

In a demanding but composed tone, he asked, "What the hell was that? Who was that man?"

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