
Author's Note(Cheers to 1k views)

26th June, 2024.

Hello, my lovely readers. It's your humble author and I'm back here to express my appreciation through words for having come far with this journey with Hayley and Leonardo's story. Thank you all so much!

Cheers to 1k reads🥳 and 70 followers. Thank you all so much! A special thank you from me to my kind voter, Pink. Thanks for supporting my book. Thank you very much and God bless you. Thank you to my other voters🥳. Thanks to you that is reading this note. 

A special thank you as well, my lovely readers. I really appreciate y'all, choosing my book. Please, please, please do well to vote on my book. Please. It would put a smile on my face if you could vote and drop your honest comments/reviews about this story.

And with that, I'm dropping the pen.

Once again, Thank you all very much.


Your humble Author, 

Author Mira.

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