
BILLIONAIRE'S REGRET: Ex-wife wants revenge!
BILLIONAIRE'S REGRET: Ex-wife wants revenge!
Author: Author Mira


"Urgh… L-Leo… Arghh, I love it. Fuck me harderrr.. Argh.. B-babyy,"

Lilian moaned loudly with her eyes rolling into her head, and her slender fingers digging into Leo's hard back as he thrust into her repeatedly. She stood before them, speechless.


If someone had asked Hayley Forbes before now who she loved most in the world, She'd say her husband. And if someone else had asked her who she trusted most in the world, She'd say her husband. Yeah.. It's like that.

But something she should have had in mind a long time ago was that, men are deceitful and we can never trust them. But how could she believe in that saying, when Leonardo Anderson was literally the kind of man she had prayed for. He was handsome, caring, loving, well-mannered, kind-hearted, and even on top all of these, he was a multi-billionaire, and the CEO of the second biggest company in Clasold City. He was every woman's dream, and she was his only wife.

Hayley wouldn't say she married him for money. She was forced to marry him, though she had been  reluctant at first, because of the rumors she had heard about him, that he was callous and ruthless, after they got married, she discovered they were indeed rumors because he was the sweetest man in the world, and gradually she fell for him. Fell for him and loved him harder than you can think of, well, until the day he betrayed her trust with another woman, Lilian Lopez. That bitch.

She had just returned from the studio as she was an aspiring artist. She walked into them in her matrimonial home, on her matrimonial bed, having sex. Leonardo was fucking the hell out of her, her moans filled the air as she dug her fingers into Leonard's back.

She stood there, struck dumb in disbelief and shock, tears flowing freely down my face. They were oblivious to her presence at first, until Leo pulled out of her, and Lilian opened her eyes after reeling back from her climax. In that instant, she caught sight of Hayley and gasped, tapping Leonard's arm for his attention. As he turned to face Hayley, there was no trace of remorse etched on his features, all she could see was irritation and anger. Hayley couldn't comprehend it, and she knew she couldn't bear to stay in that room, watching him still in bed with her after what she had just seen.

Without a word, she turned on her heel and raced downstairs, expecting him to come after her. But he didn't. Face flooded with tears, She flung her bag onto the sofa and collapsed on the couch, burying her head in her hands and sobbing uncontrollably. How could the person She loved and trusted more than anyone in the world betray her like this?

Hayley was still sobbing when she heard him call her name in an icy tone,


She lifted her head to see him standing there, his face bearing an arrogant expression. His shirtless frame glistened with sweat, his well-defined abs on full display.

Meeting his unwavering unremorseful gaze, She felt a strong urge to slap him, but she wouldn't dare. She feared him when he was angry, and she also prided herself on being a composed and calm lady.

Hayley stood up, facing him and waiting for an explanation, but he remained silent. They stood, locked in an intense stare, before she finally broke the stifling silence.

“Why?” Hayley managed to choke out amidst her tears. “Why, baby…"

He cut her off sharply, his voice laced with anger. “Don't call me that!”

His response caught her off guard.

“What?” She asked, staring into his eyes, wondering if he was truly the same man she had married three years ago.

He said nothing, his expression unreadable.

She scoffed at his audacity, “I shouldn't call you that?” As her rage surged, she couldn't hold back her anger anymore.

“How dare you say that? You lying and deceitful piece of shit! I have been nothing but an understanding and faithful wife to you, and this is how you choose to repay me? By bringing a whore into our matrimonial home! A home we have shared for years, Leo! How could you?!” The tears welled up, choking her words and rendering her speechless.

Leonardo remained unfazed, his expression devoid of any emotion, as if he was bored and tired. 

Without saying much, he extended his hand towards her, handing her a file that she did not notice in his hand before. Her sobs momentarily halted as she stared at the file, then back at him confused.

“What is this?” She managed to ask, her mind in a state of turmoil.

He didn't sugarcoat or mince his words. He didn't fuss or muss.

With no hesitation, he said flatly, “Divorce papers. I need your signature.”

Hayley gasped in shock and disbelief, clutching her chest as if a sharp knife had pierced through her heart. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks as she sank back onto the sofa.

Despite her emotional state, he persisted, “I am going to marry Lilian, the woman you met a while ago. She is not a whore, but my first love, the woman I was meant to wed before being coerced into marriage with you to settle your family's debts, that in turn you give me what I need. Well, it's been three years… Still nothing. I think it is time to end this charade. I never loved you, Hayley. My heart belongs to her, and she carries my child, a task you have failed to accomplish in three whole years. I can't do this shit, called marriage, anymore. I regret marrying you, Hayley Forbes, and I'm done.”

His words struck her heart like a merciless knife, reopening old wounds. She couldn't comprehend what was happening.

Nothing pained her more than Leonardo's final words. She gasped for air, her body trembling and her heart racing with palpitations. The pain was unbearable, and she longed for it to stop. She couldn't continue to suffer in this way; the hurt was too much for her to bear.

Never did she imagine that Leonardo would divorce her because she couldn't bear him a child. It wasn't her fault, it was simply not her time to conceive. She had tried all methods to become pregnant, but to no avail. She had gone to several doctors to diagnose what the problem was, but medically, there was nothing wrong with her. During those times, Leonardo had encouraged and reassured her that everything was going to be fine, but now everything had changed.

As she looked at him, she no longer saw the loving man she had married, but rather the cold-hearted billionaire that none of my foster sisters wanted to marry.

Hayley rose to her feet unsteadily, staring at the documents Leonardo had impatiently tossed onto the sofa. She shook my head, wiping her tears with the back of her hand and attempting to compose herself.

Though Hayley knew he was the one at fault, She bent on her knees, begging him for a second chance. She pleaded desperately,

“My love, please. I am sorry if I have ever wronged you in any manner. I am sorry for yelling at you when I came home, for something that is my fault. Please forgive me. Do not leave me. I promise it will not happen again, Leo. I beg of you, do not divorce me, Leonardo. Please.” She beseeched, grasping his hand despite his efforts to shake her off, but he couldn't. Leonardo rolled his eyes.

She continued, “I am your wife, Leo. You call me mi reina. Y-you told me you love me. You promised me forever. Please do not do this to me, Leo. You vowed to stand by my side in good times and bad. You promised!” She said, her voice rising with pain and hurt.

She couldn't imagine a life without Leonardo in it. She loved him so much. He was her world. She was obsessed with him.

Hayley was not expecting a response from him, but his silence hurt her even more, still she kept pleading with him.

Hayley was interrupted when she heard the sultry voice of Lilian, addressing her husband,

“Coming to bed, baby?” She called from the staircase. Leonardo turned his gaze at her, responding affectionately, “Just a moment, sweetie.”

Hayley's broken heart tightened upon witnessing her husband's display of affection towards another woman, when she was in dire need of it. The urge to confront Lilian surged within her, but she restrained herself, although Lilian looked at her mockingly before walking away.

Leonardo finally forcefully pulled her hands away, his tone aggressive, “You heard her! Now let me go!” He barked, “You have a grace period of two days to sign those documents, or else I will force you to do so."

With those words, he left. He went to be with her, leaving her, his lawful wife, all alone, downtrodden and shattered.

Trembling, Hayley picked up the divorce papers and scanned them with my eyes, tears filling her eyes. He had already signed them.

That night, Hayley cried until she could no longer do so. The damage had been done, and the trust they once shared had been irreparably shattered.

In the days that followed, Hayley found herself drowning in a whirlpool of emotions. All her attempts to change her husband's mind were in vain. When the second day came for her to sign the papers, she was reluctant, but Leonardo and Lilian threatened to make her already miserable life a living hell if she didn't comply. He promised to do the unthinkable. And so, with a heavy heart, she made the brave choice to end their marriage. With a trembling hand, she signed the papers, letting go of the dreams they had once cherished together.

As Hayley closed that chapter of her life, She vowed to seek revenge against her unfaithful husband, Leonardo Anderson. 

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