
A new life


"Come on, Daisy. We are going to be late!" Hayley called out to her child, making her way to her room and lingering by the doorway when she saw her. Daisy was standing in front of her dressing mirror, struggling to fix her bow.

"I'm coming, Mommy. I just need to fix this!" she murmured.

Hayley watched her, her heart melting at her cuteness. Her little angel. She approached Daisy and knelt to her level, embracing her and admiring her.

"Let Mama help you, baby," Hayley pleaded, but she stubbornly refused.

"No! I can do it myself!" Daisy protested, her grey eyes sparkling with determination. Just like Hayley, Daisy had an independent spirit and liked doing things on her own.

"I know you can, baby. But for today, let me help you. We're running late and you know today is Luna's birthday. She wouldn't want her best friend to be late," Hayley persuaded.

After a moment of consideration, Daisy finally gave in.

"Okay, fine."

"Good girl," Hayley praised, patting her head with affection while taking the bow from her.

At only five years old, Daisy already acted so grown up. She was smart, kind, and determined, just like her mother, Hayley. Although she could be a bit stubborn and temperamental at times, she was an overall good kid.

Her birth gave Hayley a new purpose in life, even though she was a constant reminder of her past. With her striking resemblance to her ex-husband, Leonardo, with those grey eyes and sometimes cold demeanor, Hayley couldn't help but be reminded of him. But Hayley never resented her for it. She was too innocent and lovable to be caught up in her grudges towards them. For her sake, Hayley had put a hold on her plans for revenge against them.

Five years ago, Hayley made a vow to Emily that she would get her revenge on everyone who had wronged her in the past. Those who had caused her endless suffering and made her life a living hell. But after fleeing the country and bringing her precious little angel into the world, whom she loved with all her heart. She had also found success as a creative artist, allowing her to provide for their needs. Hayley decided to find peace and let go of the past, believing it was best to bury it and move on. However, a part of her remained ready to revisit her initial plan, should the past ever cross her path again. But that seemed unlikely as she was now a thousand miles away from them and had not been in contact with anyone from Clasold City for the past five years.

"Is Uncle Adrian coming now?" Daisy interrupted her thoughts. 

Hayley nodded.

"Yes, he will be here any moment."

They heard the doorbell ring.

"He's here!" Daisy exclaimed, running to meet him. Hayley stood up to greet him as well.

She met Daisy in Adrian's arms. He smiled widely upon seeing Hayley, his perfectly white teeth on display.

"Hi, Nina," Adrian greeted her with his deep, husky voice, walking over to her after gently placing Daisy back on the ground.

Hayley hugged him lightly before responding,


Adrian Lewis was one of the amazing people Hayley had met when she newly came to Kleeton City. He wasn't just a friend, but also her boss. Despite being a handsome CEO who had caught the attention of many ladies, he treated Hayley casually and made her feel special. He owned the company she worked for and had made numerous attempts to win her heart, but Hayley had always politely declined. 

It had only been two years since Hayley finally began to heal from the damage Leonardo had inflicted on her, and she wasn't ready for a new relationship. Adrian had understood her reasons without pressing her for more. He promised to wait until she was ready, even though he didn't know the true extent of her past and decisions. He was perfect and kind, but Hayley had closed her heart off to any romantic feelings.

And as for her name, Nina? Yes, She changed her identity. In the pursuit of starting a new life in a new country, She left her past behind and created a new persona. But no matter how much she tried to bury it, she knew her past still lingered within her.

"We are ready, Uncle Adrian," Daisy exclaimed with delight.

"Alright, come here!" He lifted Daisy in his arms, leading them out the door to the garage where his car was parked. Hayley followed behind, making sure to lock her house.

Upon reaching the car, Adrian opened the door for them and they climbed in. He never allowed Hayley to open the door herself. It greatly annoyed him to see her exerting effort when he was there to assist her, even though no effort was needed in opening a car door.

With the ignition on, he stole a glance at Hayley again and complimented her.

"You look stunning, baby." His emerald eyes locked onto hers. 

A blush crept onto Hayley's cheeks. She wanted to thank him when Daisy abruptly interrupted, "What about me? I'm the assistant birthday girl!" She pouted, pretending to frown.

"Oh, forgive me, my mistake... I was simply saving your compliment for last, Angel. You look stunning, too." Adrian beamed at Daisy, his smile genuine and warm. 

Daisy reciprocated with a wide smile, revealing her gummy grin. "Thank you!"

Hayley couldn't stifle her laughter. Daisy and her dramatics!

Hayley appreciated how kind Adrian was towards her, filling the void of a father figure she never had. What was the point of seeking revenge when Hayley had a beautiful daughter to care for, a wonderful life to live, and a man who was slowly mending her broken heart?

As long as she avoided her past, the part of her yearning for retribution would remain dormant and she could move on without seeking vengeance.

The car came to a stop outside the amusement park, where Luna's birthday celebration was to be held. 

As Hayley reached for the door handle, Adrian's hands unexpectedly covered hers, sending shivers down her spine as she turned and met his captivating and piercing green eyes.

"What?" Hayley asked, her inner self blushing under his intense gaze.

"Nothing. You just look so stunning in that dress, Nina. Can't wait to take you out later tonight." 

Adrian said, causing her cheeks to flush with a rosy hue. 

She beamed at him, "Thank you, Mr. Lewis. And I can't wait for our date tonight too," She said, staring at him.

"Mommy, let's go!" Daisy interrupted them, jumping between them.

"Okay darling, let's go," Hayley said, turning her attention to Daisy.

As Hayley turned to open the car door, Adrian had already done so, astonishing her with his speed.

When they got down Daisy clung to Adrian's legs. He crouched down to her level, kissing her temple before saying,

"Be a good girl to Mama, okay?" He advised, knowing Daisy had a penchant for mischief and often tested Hayley's patience and caused her headaches.

Hayley watched them, smiling as Daisy nodded obediently, showing off her teeth. Adrian stood back up, his gaze now fixed on Hayley.

"Promise to call me sometimes?"

"I will. Thanks for the ride."

"You're welcome, love. Would have loved to tag along, but you know... duty calls. Take care of yourself and our little angel, okay?"

She nodded in response.

With that, Daisy and Hayley held hands and walked into the park, making their way to Luna's birthday venue after saying goodbye to Adrian.

"Daisy!" Luna screamed with excitement as she saw them approaching.

"Luna!" Daisy called back, breaking free from Hayley's grasp and running over to hug her best friend.

Hayley watched with a smile as they embraced each other tightly before Daisy presented the painting Hayley had drawn for Luna as her birthday gift. Luna was in awe of her portrait and thanked Daisy before running off to show her mom, Clara Campbell.

"Mom, look. Daisy gave me this drawing," Luna exclaimed.

Clara smiled, "Do you like it?"

Luna nodded excitedly. Just then, Hayley caught up with them.

"Hi, Nina."

Clara and Hayley embraced each other warmly, while the children ran happily to join their other friends who were already seated and waiting. 

The setting of the party was a picnic, laid out in the open. Other mothers were there, helping the children come together while Clara and Hayley caught up.

"How's everything going?" Clara asked her as they pulled out of the hug.

"I'm doing well. How about you?"

"I'm good. Thank you for coming..." She expressed her gratitude, knowing Hayley was a busy lady who rarely attended any occasion or party.

"Oh, no way...I wouldn't dream of missing this. Our baby is turning six today, I couldn't...besides, you know what Luna would do if I didn't show up at her party..." Hayley joked, and they both laughed.

They both watched in awe as the children were lost in their playful world.

"They're growing up so fast, Nina." Clara sighed. "Luna is six today, and in just two months, so will Daisy."

"I know, right?"

Clara and Hayley had been friends for five years. She was one of the amazing people Hayley met when she first arrived in the country. Hayley was pregnant with Daisy at the time, and Clara helped her start over. She helped her find a job, and build a new life. Hayley stayed with her for almost two years before moving into her apartment. Luna and Daisy had become best of friends during that time.

Clara and Hayley shared a bond that was stronger than that of sisters; they had faced and overcome so much together. Their friendship meant a lot to Hayley, and it pained her to know she was keeping her past and true identity hidden from Clara. But she wasn't ready to revisit it, perhaps it was best to leave it buried.

Two hours into the birthday party, Hayley realized she hadn't called Adrian as she promised. Caught up in the excitement of entertaining the kids, the thought had slipped her mind.

Without hesitation, Hayley excused herself and informed Clara that she needed to make a call to Adrian. Hayley asked her to keep an eye on the kids while she found a quieter place to make the call. Clara agreed, and Hayley left, entrusting her daughter's safety to her hands.

After approximately thirty minutes, Hayley's conversation with Adrian came to an end. Their phone chats were usually lengthy, peppered with casual topics. He was hesitant to hang up, expressing how much he missed the sound of Hayley's voice even though they just finished a lengthy conversation. Hayley pleaded with him, reminding him of the ongoing birthday party she had to be at. With reluctance, he agreed to let her go.

Hayley was blushing her way towards Clara and the rest of them, a sly grin etched on her face as she strolled, reminiscing on Adrian's clingy behavior earlier. However, the grin gradually faded as she raised her head to observe their countenances from afar.

Clara and the other mothers appeared anxious, some making frantic phone calls while others huddled together in conversation. Hayley's full attention was on Clara as she scurried towards her.

"What's happening?" Hayley inquired about getting there, glancing around and noticing their children's absence. "Where is Luna and Daisy?"

Clara turned towards her, her expression fraught with concern and her tone laced with trepidation,

"That's the thing, Nina. We can't find them."

Hayley's heart hammered as she struggled to process these words. She blinked repeatedly, trying to regain her composure.

"What?" She absentmindedly asked, slowly returning to reality, "What the fuck do you mean by you can't find them? They were right here when I left!" She barked.



Hayley's heart sank and fear consumed her. Without hesitation, Hayley frantically searched the crowded park for her child. The mere thought of losing her child, her sole reason for existence, was unbearable!

Daisy! Luna! Daisy!!

Hayley yelled as she walked around, searching every nook and cranny towards where one of the kids had directed her to, as that was where they were last seen. Clara followed closely behind, also calling out for them, but no response ever came.

Luna! Daisy!

The park was vast, and they couldn't possibly cover every inch without asking strangers for assistance.

"Excuse me, have you seen two little girls? One is blonde and the other a redhead." They asked strangers as they expanded their search, but they were always met with negative replies.

Hayley's heart shattered, and tears welled up in her eyes as she stood rooted to one spot, scanning the area and wondering where her child could be. Silently, she prayed to find her safe. She didn't know what else to do than call Adrian for help.

Hayley dialed his number, but it went straight to voicemail. Her heart sank as she tried multiple times without success. Going to the police seemed like the only option left. Hayley looked around one last time, but there was no sign of them. She was about to leave with Clara when they heard it.

Mom! Mommy!

Their heads turned simultaneously, locking their gaze on the sight of their babies scampering towards them. Hayley bent down, her arms outstretched and ready to hold her angel in a warm embrace. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt her tiny body against hers once again. Her goodness!

"Mom, I'm sorry. We were looking for you. We got lost." Daisy's voice was filled with remorse. 

Hayley released her from the hug and looked at her, gently patting her head.

"It's alright, baby. You're with mommy now. I'm sorry I left you. I'm so sorry." Hayley apologized and hugged her tightly once more.

"Mom. I'm sorry I made you cry,"

Hayley blinked, holding her, "No, baby. Don't say that. These are tears of joy. I'm crying because I found you again,"

She looked at Hayley.

"Are you hurt?" Hayley asked, searching her face for any signs of injury.

Daisy shook her head, "No."

"That's good..."

"Mom, a man helped me find you. Will you say thank you to him?" Daisy's request caught her off guard.

Hayley was speechless for a moment as a result of the need for gratitude that overwhelmed her.

"Of course, darling! Who is he? Where is he?" She asked, eagerly.

Daisy pointed behind her, and she turned with a smile on her face to see someone standing behind her. Starting from his feet, her eyes traveled up to his face. The sun's rays glinted off of him, making it difficult for Hayley to see clearly until his figure became recognizable.

Hayley's eyes widened with disbelief as she recognized who it was, her smile faltering instantly. Her heart raced and her body shook. It can't be him. She squinted her eyes, and blinked multiple times, hoping that the man standing before her was just a figment of her imagination. But her hopes were shattered when he spoke, his eyes locked on Hayley's with a mischievous smirk etched on his lips.

"Hello, mi reina..." He greeted her in a familiar, taunting tone.

Hayley couldn't believe it.

"L- Leonardo??!" 

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