
Chapter 13

Richard stood at his balcony, taking in the fresh morning air while reminiscing on the period of his life when he was a newly wedded.

He scoffed at the realization of how sour things could become in a split of a second.

Just then, his eyes darted to the entrance of his house, where he caught a glimpse of two ladies who were seemingly in a fight.

At first, he made to wave it off as something irrelevant, until he recalled that today was the day scheduled for the interview.

“Could that be some ladies coming for the interview?” He asked himself as he swallowed hard.

Without any more thoughts, he made his way to the gate to see for himself.

“You’re a bitch!” The lady said to Emily, who was trying so hard to maintain calmness.

“I would advise you to leave my hair”, Emily said in a calm but defiant voice.

“I won’t leave your hair! Come on, show me what you’ve got”, the lady yelled, causing Emily to clench her fist in anger.

The lady was pushing Emily to the wall, but Emily kept trying so hard to withhold herself from the urge to fight.

“You can’t fight, right? I knew you’re just a timid and fragile being!” The lady pushed further, with a tone of mockery.

“Leave her hair”, a loud baritone voice said, causing the two ladies to freeze in shock.

“I said that you should leave her hair!” Richard said again, this time shouting on top of his voice.

He felt totally disappointed at the sight he met. He hated seeing ladies in a fight because it gave him the intuition that they were irresponsible.

He had opened the gate, but the two ladies were so absent-minded that they had no idea that he was standing there and glaring at them.

Emily’s feet got stuck to the ground as beads of sweats broke out on her forehead.

She worked with impressions, and giving the impression of being arrogant and troublesome was something she didn’t want.

“Hello sir” the lady said as she turned to Richard and flashed him a wide smile.

Emily cleared her throat and hurriedly swirled around to face him, bowing her head in respect.

“Good day sir”, Emily said in a quivering voice, hoping that she would get the job she desired.

“Are you both here for the interview?” Richard asked as he folded his hands to his chest while staring intently at the ladies.

“Yes sir! I’ve done the job of a maid for five people, and I can assure you that I’m the best person for the job”, the lady blabbed while Emily silently rolled her eyes at her.

“We haven’t started the interview and as such, I would advise that you follow protocols”, Richard said to the lady who nodded her head, with a flush of embarrassment.

Richard scoffed as he shifted his gaze to Emily, whose eyes were still lowered to the ground.

“And you, did you come for the interview as well?” Richard asked while Emily nodded her head calmly.

Richard squinted his eyes as he thought of how familiar the lady he was staring at looked.

He was angry at their earlier display, but decided to address that much later.

“Come in”, he said, and quickly walked inside.

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