

Alexa's POV

I paced around the room in utter annoyance with my thoughts ruminating.

I didn't know what to do.

From the saga that happened between Jasper and I, and that which had to do concerning my ‘mother’, Nora. And my identity as a half-witch.

I felt deeply moved to go to Jasper and give him a listening ear to what really happened that night, while also I was thinking About if I should trust Nora or not concerning the things that she said about me.

Indeed, she knew my secrets but what did that have to do with if she was my real mother or not.

“You know what? Shirley, what do you think?” Shirley who had been sitting quietly in the living room finally stopped shaping her nails with the nail cutter. She blew on it advently and said.

“You know there's a slang these days that go ‘Think with your head and do not be moved by your emotions that you end up making the wrong decisions.’ I think that quote alone is helpful to us all. But most especially you, Alexa.”

“Then don't you think I should go back to Crimson peaks and ask Jasper about what really happened that time?”

Shirley sighed. “It's all up to you, dear.”

“It is?”

Shirley nodded. “Yes, I may be here to give you advice but the ultimate is this. Only you have the power in your heart to decide what you want to believe.”

“Then I'll go to Jasper right away. I need an answer to what I saw.”

“Don't be too frantic to get an answer, Alexa.”

I was calming myself down so I didn't lose it completely. “I want you to be calm. You've been stressed out these days and it is written all over your face.”

“It's probably not the stress, but my pregnancy.” I said. Shirley looked surprised for an instant and then she said softly, “Its for Jasper, isn't it?”

I nodded. “Why else would I be so frantic in my thoughts about meeting him. A child should not grow up without a father. I grew up without one so I know how it feels. it's not something I would want my child to feel.”

“No wonder,” Shirley got up from her seat and walked over to hold my hand, and this simple act of faith of hers strengthened mine. She had no idea what she did truly to me and she may never know it but I felt it deeply.

The door bursted open and I trembled until I saw who it was at the door.

“Mother,” I said to Nora who held open the door.

Shirley removed her hand from mine and said, “I'll get going.”

“Do you have to?” I asked while making a pouty face. Shirley simply smiled at me and slapped my arm playfully. “Spend more time with your mom,” she commented and I nodded. “I'll see you later, hmm?”

Shirley nodded back at me and walked past Nora out the door. As soon as Shirley left, Nora smiled at me. “Do you want to see a magic trick?” She pointed to herself and then at the door which started to close itself slowly until it eventually shut itself.

I was a bit scared about this magic trick. And Nora. I wondered if she was truly who that she said she was.

“Are you scared, Alexa?”

Could she read minds too?

“I'm not—”

“—Don’t be. You can do the same things that I did and even so much more.” Alexa walked over and placed a hand over my hand. “You are so much more,’’ she said with glowing eyes.

“But mother, why are you here?” I asked.

“Why? Don't you want to see me? Don't you miss me? Because I sure do miss you very much. It's very normal for witches to find their offspring no matter where they are in the world.

I swallowed. Not sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

“Mom, can we sit and talk for a second?” I asked and she nodded.

As soon as she was seated, I also found my way onto a chair.

“What do you want to talk about, my dear?”

“You know… I'm going to be mom soon in the future, you know that I carry child.”

“Yes, but what about that? It's a very important occasion to prepare for, yes but it is not new. There is truly nothing new under the sun, Alexa. I want you to keep that in mind no matter what happens to you. That way, you can be given the opportunity to find strength regardless of where you are in the world.”

“Mom, I know what you are saying but I don't want to raise this child all alone.”

“You are not raising any child alone, Alexa. You have me, you have your friend.”

“Ultimately, everything else will be up to me.”

“Don’t think like that, Alexa. Please don't.”

“I want to go back to Crimson peaks to give Jasper a chance to explain what happened that night.”

“No way.” Nora looked at me as though she was disappointed. And she had every right to be, but this was for my unborn child. I had to born her in a world that was welcoming, not a Life that she has to be isolated like I was. It was unhealthy and ultimately was not serving.

“Don’t tell me you want to give a stranger an opportunity to deceive you.”

“But Jasper is my mate. Even though he cheated on me, he's still my baby's father.”

“Are you sure this is the choice you're going to choose?” Nora bursted into tears and I hurriedly went to console her but she drew back from me. “You are not yourself right now, if you are you wouldn't even think of such a thing. Also, it's because I've been too separate from you when you were a child that you don't believe me.”

“I believe you Nora!”

“Then why don't you stay away from that strange guy? He is not your mate you are just being deceived!”

I sighed to myself bitterly. I didn't like when Nora was emotional, it made me sad. How could I explain to her that I believed her but I was concerned about what the future of my son and daughter will be?

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