

Jasper's POV

“Alpha, you asked of me.” Olivia said wittily, her head bowed down like a saint.

“Yes I did.” I said firmly.

I was about to speak but she beat me to it. “You don't have to crown me Luna yet, I know you are still grieving for your mate.”

My anger increased. What the hell was the wretched talking about?

I felt like ripping her to shreds at the moment, but that in itself was too merciful for her.

“Do you know who you are talking to and what you are dealing with, Olivia. How the hell do you say such thing with so much confidence?!”

Olivia looked lost which made me even angrier. How did I end in bed with a woman like this one? I was really out of my mind.

“What do you mean, Alpha? Do you mean to say you are not planning on making me your Luna?”

“Why the hell would I even think of doing that? I went to bed with you only because of your hypnotism. What makes you think I would choose you on a normal day?!”

Olivia gasped in shock and held her hands together in front of her. “Hypnotism? Alpha, please believe me. I did no such thing to you! How could I? You are very good and kind.”

“I've heard enough of your lies, Olivia. And the reason I asked the guard to bring you here today is simple. You are banned from my pack. Forever.”

Olivia fell on her knees. “Please do no such thing sire! I beg you! I'll do anything for you, I mean it Alpha!”

I smirked. “Anything?” Then I scoffed. “You say you'll do anything, woman! If that is so, then can you bring back my mate?! Can you bring back my Alexa?!”

Olivia shook her head and tears started to roll down her cheeks. “I can't believe it.” She stood back on her feet. “Even though Alexa is gone, you're still worried about her?! What about me? Me who has eyes for you and would never leave you alone!”

I was in awe, listening to Olivia speak. The woman was wicked and had no sense of guilt at all even though I was right in front of her, judging her act.

“I don't know what you were thinking but it's very obvious that you are wrong. How could you betray your friend and not feel sorry for her?”

“Why would I feel sorry for her? She's only good at taking things. She stole you from me!”

I came to the realization that no matter what I said, this woman lacked the propensity to be guilt-filled so I decided to abandon her in her self-pity pool.

“I'm done talking to you now. Olivia, you are banned from Crimson peaks. Never to appear here again.”

Olivia cried but it was useless.

“Someone,” I said and there was a guard outside who bursted the door open. “Take her away,” I ordered and the guard nodded and began to carry her away inspite of her screams and yells.

Olivia's POV

As I was carried out of the office by the guard, I started screaming. “That's not fair!” I cried out loud. Alpha Jasper was supposed to be mine after the night we shared together but it didn't work out as I planned.

The guard didn't even let me carry my things, I was sent out of the pack without a single thing to call mine.

I was now out of the pack but I couldn't help but watch how crimson peak was now so far from me.

“And I didn't do that bad!” I cried to myself.

Many people had succeeded in whatever they did, but why did I have to get in trouble for it?!

I bawled my eyes but then I stopped, realizing that I still had a chance.

Alexa hadn't been found. So maybe…

I cried again once I realized that all ways to get the Alpha was once again, dashed. I had been banned from nearing the pack at all. If I didn't follow that rule, who knows what would happen to me.

This is all Alexa's fault. If only she wasn't so the true mate of Alpha Jasper, all these wouldn't have happened. But who was I even kidding? Everything I went through since I was little which Alexa, she always had the better luck than me.

So yes, it was her fault. It was all her fault! It was I who should be Alpha Jasper's true mate, not her. And she wasn't even that beautiful, how could she attract everyone so effortlessly. While I had to do everything to win people’s hearts.

Was I too shallow?

I cried to myself bitterly, looking up at the night's sky. It was pathetic. How it was me standing here and not Alexa. She deserved to be banned, I didn't.

But then again, nothing could be done to change the past. I had to find a future for myself somewhere along the woods.

“You are much much, Olivia. You deserve better.” My wolf whispered in my head.

I smiled sadly, “I know.”

“But you shouldn't have made that costly a mistake,”

“What mistake?” I asked my wolf. She was on my side until now.

“The bond of true mates. You underestimated how strong it can be.”

“But he mated with me. That should have reduced the authenticity of their bond, right?”

“No. That's why I'm telling you you made the wrong choice. Not to mention, all Alphas have more sensitivity towards themselves and their people. It is hard for an Alpha's emotions to be manipulated.”

“Then why didn't you tell me this earlier! Why are you just showing up after I became banned from the pack, huh?!” I yelled at my wolf only to hear her, ‘I told you! You just wouldn't listen to me because you were in fact infatuated with your friend's mate.’

“Whatever!” I said out loud. “It already happened, I can't go back to the past now, can I?” I asked my wolf and she remained silent.

I could only think to myself that if I saw Alexa again, I would make her pay. All these misfortunate things only happened to me because of her!

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