

Chapter three.

Jasper's POV

I never expected this to happen, especially not now. Just as I was about to sit down, my doctor, John, walked in—my bestie.

"Good morning, Jasper. How are you?" he asked, looking at me with concern. I couldn't find the words to respond.

"It's about Alexa, isn't it?" he said, reading my expression. Of course, he could tell. My frustration over Alexa's disappearance was written all over my face.

With her absence, there's a strange sense of emptiness, but it also gives me space to breathe. Yet, the wolf inside me is restless, craving to tear apart whoever is responsible for her disappearance.

"Tell me, John, how did this happen? How did I end up mating with someone other than my true mate?" I asked, my voice laced with frustration and confusion.

John approached me, guiding me to sit down as he began examining me—starting with my eyes, nose, and mouth. His frown deepened, and I gave him a questioning look.

"Someone used hypnotism on you, buddy. As a witch, I can confirm it. Can you recall how it happened?" he inquired.

"That night, after the last hunting season, I was at home. I heard noises and thought it was Alexa coming to visit, but it was Olivia, her best friend," I paused, taking a deep breath.

"I was caught in the act of it, John. I still remember… this look in her eyes when she saw me… she looked so disappointed John. I've fucked up everything haven't I?” I said loudly and John sighed to himself.

“It's a horrible thing to get caught in the act, I don't think this is something anyone can easily move on from.”

“I just need to find her first. Then I can explain everything. I wouldn't cheat on her if I was in the right state of mind. Obviously, I wasn't so this happened.”

“Toughen up like a man, Jasper. Apart from finding Alexa, you need to find out why you were with Olivia.” John said with a hand upon his nose thoughtfully.

“Okay, but didn't you just say it was hypnotism?”

“Why did it happen? Who did it? All these are the big questions.” John said while folding his arms.

“You're right,” I said.

“But at the same time, all I want to do is to find Alexa.”

“You're repeating the same thing that you've said, Jasper.” John said in one breath.

“That's because that's all I want. I want her right next to me. If only I can see her just once and talk to her, she'll understand —Even if she doesn't, at least I'll know I've tried.”

“Give me an object that represents her or an item she uses most. I can try my powers on it and sees if I can try my location spell.”

“You can do that?”

John gave me a smirk and got up to his feet. I stood up to my feet as well and held his by the shoulders. “You really can do that?”

“What do you think?” John asked with a stretched up eyebrow.

I decided to believe what John was saying.

“I trust you. I will go to my room and bring one of Alexa's shirt which I forgot to give back to her.”

“Alright — of course.” John said and waited in my office while I left to my room and brought the fabric. I handed it over to John and he looked at my table that were filled with papers— all very important files.

“I'm going to need the table,” he said and I nodded, packing the files and placing them in the cupboard.

“This is good,” I told John who was glad at the now empty table. He pulled his hand into a fist and slowly walked to the table, filling it with sand. I had no idea where the sand came from but it filled up the table completely.

John then took the cloth from my hand and placed it on top the table that was filled with sand. Then he moved his fingers in some sort of assortic way and I saw the sand moving over and on top the shirt.

“This is beautiful,” said John as he did weird things with his hands. Finally, he let go of it and looked at me squarely in the face.

“What did you find out?” I said

“Nothing, her scent is long gone from the cloth. I'm sorry.”

“That's okay John, I'll send people to look for her.”

“You're not certain that they will find her,”

“Tell me if you find another cloth with Alexa's scent, I'm sure I can get it—”

“—You’ve done enough, John. As it is, I have nothing else to bring in front of you as evidence of Alexa's scent. I've got nothing else.” I said with a rising frustration within me.

John used his magic to take away the sand he placed on my office table. Within seconds, the table was as clear as it was a few minutes ago.

“You look busy,” John said as he looked at me, with his hands in his pockets.

“Actually, I'll need to get busy now,” I said as I started to pick the files in the cupboard and lay the stacked up ones on the table first.

“Then I'll check on you another time, Alpha.” With that, John left my office. I picked up the cloth Alexa had left behind and brought it to my nose to sniff.

“Clearly, her scent is still on the cloth so why can't he find her location on it. That fraud.” I muttered under my breath.

I got myself busy with work but I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing. Eventually, I decided to do something about what was bothering my heart.

I rose up from my office table and stepped out of the office.

“Someone,” I called out and watched as a few guards turn to me in attention.

“Alpha,” two of them came to me.

“I need only one of you,” I said truthfully, and one of them bowed and turned away.

“How can I help you, Alpha.” The guard said calmly.

“Bring me Olivia.”

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