


Bellona was furious beyond words. Apart from being furious, another emotion she felt was confusion. She was confused as to why Zephyr had treated her like a thief.

He was the one who asked her to organize the shelf so why then did he behave like she acted on her on will.

The way he reacted when she touched that book was very strange. Unless he was hiding something in that book or behind that shelf.

She had seen many movies were a book in a book shelf was the key to a secret passage way. Could it be the same with the one in Zephyr's office?

If Bellona had ever thought of pardoning Zephyr for murdering her parents, this event fueled her anger and drive for revenge.

Bellona moved all those thoughts to the back of her mind. She needed to think of a way to get close to Zephyr because all the attempts she had tried didn't seem to be working out. She needed to go see Nimue. Maybe the woman would have a thing or two to say.

Bellona quickly finished her worked and clocked out for the day. She didn't even bother to tell Zephyr that she was leaving because she was still mad at him. 

"She'll leave after a week." She heard a man's voice say.

"No. She'll surely stay more than a week. Can't you see how fierce she looks" A woman's voice countered.

Bellona turned towards their direction when she realized that they were talking about her. 

The two employees let out an awkward laugh when their eyes met with Bellona's. Having no other option, they walked towards Bellona.

"Hi, I'm Evelyn" The lady greeted and nudged the man who seemed reluctant, "this is my friend, Caleb."

Bellona wanted to ignore them and simply walk away but she eventually stayed and reciprocated.

"I'm Bellona" She said.

"Nice to meet you, Bellona" Evelyn smiled. "You're the boss's latest secretary, right."

"Yes" Bellona's answer was short. She wasn't comfortable with meeting new people so she didn't know how to interact properly.

"We were making a bet on how long you'll last before you resign. Most secretaries usually stay between four to five days. The maximum is a week" Evelyn explained. "I say you'll last more than a week while Caleb here, says you won't last a week"

Caleb smiled awkwardly and touched the back of his neck.

Bellona squinted her eyes and observed Evelyn. She seemed human and certainly didn't know that Zephyr was a wolf. It seemed like only a few people knew Zephyr's true identity.

"You're the third one this month" Evelyn said, understanding Bellona's confusion. 

Bellona was shocked. Zephyr really changed his secretary often. She needed to be extremely careful with her plan because if she messed up and he fires her, there'll be no other way to exert her revenge except approaching him and picking a fight and although she was skilled fighter, she wasn't confident in her fighting skills when compared to Zephyr.

"Among all his previous secretaries, I like you the most." Evelyn continued talking, "you see all the other secretaries came with a motive."

'Like she was any different' Bellona chuckled inwardly.

"What were there motives" Bellona asked, picking interest in the conversation.

"All of them wanted to seduce the boss. They always wore clothes that showed their cleavages and thighs" Evelyn said. "The most interesting part of the story is that most of these 'secretaries' are from rich families so they don't really need the job." Evelyn revealed.

"What was Ze- , I mean what was the boss's reaction when he found out about their real identity" Bellona asked.

"I really don't know. But all I can say is that the boss doesn't like deceit and he doesn't take it likely with the culprit."

Bellona smiled bitterly. No matter what anyone says about Zephyr, she must complete her mission.

"You said you like me the most. Why is that?" Bellona asked, changing the topic.

"You seem fierce. Your appearance and character certainly matches the boss's own. I think you guys would make the perfect couple" Evelyn said happily.

'She and Zephyr, a couple? Give me a break' Bellona scoffed. That'll be the last thing to ever happen in this life.

"Don't let the boss hear you" Caleb chided her.

"Don't repeat that statement" Bellona warned Evelyn. She had to leave this place before she gets angrier than she already was. 

"I'll be taking my leave now" Bellona said and walked away.

"Let's meet again" Evelyn called after her.

Even though Bellona was angry at the girl for saying that she and Zephyr would make a good couple, she was also happy that she met someone like her.

The girl was a tattletale and would certainly be a great help to her in future. She just needed to get close to her and she'll reveal all she knows about Zephyr.

The Gods were definitely on her side because she kept meeting people who would unknowingly be of help to her.

She couldn't wait to separate Zephyr's head from his body. 

Her body shook in excitement.

Bellona took a cab that took her to Nimue's place.

On entering the room, she didn't find her.

"Nimue" She called out but no response.

"Nimue?" She called out again but still no response.

This was strange. She had never come here and didn't find Nimue. She hoped nothing had happened to her because without her, she wouldn't be able to go ahead with her revenge.

Bellona walked into another room but didn't find Nimue, as she turned to leave, she heard a sound. She looked around and observed the interior of the room, only to find a small, almost unnoticeable door.

Bellona decided to walk in and take a look. There was a thick fog like substance in the atmosphere of the room preventing her from seeing clearly. She managed to get a little glimpse of something. She saw Nimue's back, in front of her was Diablerie and she seemed to be making some incantations. 

"Nimue?" Bellona called out just to be sure her eyes weren't deceiving her.

Nimue turned sharply to find out who the intruder was. When she saw it was Bellona, she made the fog go away.

"W- what a-are you doing here?" She asked, shock evident in her features.

"I came to see you" Bellona said, still not coming to terms with what she saw.

What was Nimue doing with Diablerie and how come she had never come to know about this room before?

"Let's go outside" Nimue suggested after she had calmed down and Bellona agreed.

"What were you doing in there?" Bellona asked as soon as they sat down.

Today was hectic for her. It seemed like everyone around her was hiding something. Zephyr had a secret and Nimue has a secret room. What other secrets did she not know?

Nimue knew that she was going to ask therefore, she had already thought of what she was going to tell her.

"I was cleaning the mirror" Nimue said without battling an eye.

"I heard some sounds coming from you" Bellona inquired.

"Bellona dear, it is a magic mirror so I have to be spiritually alert when handling it."

"But then what do you have to say about-"

"You'll ask me no more questions about this." Nimue said and Bellona quickly nodded. It was as though Nimue had some control over her or something. Nimue smiled widely, she still had control over her but it seemed like it was gradually weakening. 

"Why are you here?" Nimue asked, totally changing the topic.

"Zephyr is hiding something" Bellona said.

"Something like what?" 

"I don't know what exactly but he asked me to organize his bookshelf and when I touched a book, he snapped" Bellona calmly explained. "He must be hiding something in the book or probably in the shelf"

Nimue was in deep thoughts. What was Zephyr hiding? 

She gasped. 'Don't tell me he's hiding what I've been looking for? I must find out.' 

"You'll find out what he's hiding and report to me" Nimue instructed.

"Yes" Bellona answered and left immediately. She was behaving as though she was being controlled by a remote.

When Bellona had left, Nimue's calm expression changed to a confused one.

How on Earth did Bellona manage to pass through the barrier she used in blocking the door? Just how?

She has also used her magic to mute her sounds so how did Bellona hear her?

She really underestimated that girl.

Bellona was more than who she knew herself to be and even Nimue didn't have the answer.

The spell she casted on Bellona when she was little was supposed to last a life time but some how, it kept fading and she has to redo it severally.

She needed to up her game if she wanted Bellona to remain her puppet or else, the day the girl would eventually escape her shell, she wouldn't take it likely with her. She just had one task.

To find out who Bellona truly is.

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