


The moment Bellona stepped in the room, Lancelot, all but wolf whistled at her!

"Astonishing" Lance loudly exclaimed and even stood from his seat. He didn't care that Zephyr was present in the room.

"Hello, beautiful" He immediately leaned forward and took Bellona's hands casually, raising it and placing a kiss on the back of her hands.

After that, the man didn't let go of her hands immediately, rather he held it in place and gently caressed it.

Bellona was disgusted beyond words. She wanted to fling his hands away from hers the moment he touched her but she refrained from doing so. Only God knew how much it took her not to break his hands the instant he touched her.

She then slowly removed her hands from his grasp, displeasure clearly written on her face.

She looked over to Zephyr hoping that he would at least caution his visitor to refrain from touching her but the man seemed like he didn't care.

Noticing her discomfort, Lancelot quickly apologized. 

"Forgive me. I was flustered by your beauty. My brain doesn't know how to act when I see a pretty lady like you." He tried to flirt.

Bellona observed him. He was definitely mateless that's why he was a flirt. A wolf with a mate was always loyal to their partner. This was one of the reasons she was convinced that her plan to seduce Zephyr would be successful because the man was mateless. If he had a mate, he wouldn't even look her way.

She decided to play along with Lance, maybe with his help, she could defeat Zephyr.

If she was to be honest, Lance was handsome. He had blonde hair that looked almost like the colour of the sun.  His features were relaxed giving him a boyish charm. Definitely not her type.

Bellona forced a blush to paint her cheeks and then lowered her head slightly as though she were shy. "You flatter me" She said.

"I'm being honest" Lance defended. He wasn't lying though. Bellona was by far the most beautiful woman he had ever set his eyes on and he would do anything to have her on his bed beneath him 

Bellona laughed. Looking at his eyes, she figured that he just wanted to get into her panties. She could tell what people were thinking at times so knowing what Lance had in mind wasn't difficult. The way he looked at her was filled with lust. She was going to use this man to achieve her goals the way he used ladies to satiate his sexual urge.

While these two were immersed in their own thoughts, nobody noticed that a certain someone had a cold and frosty expression on his face.

Zephyr cleared his throat loudly and only then did Lancelot and Bellona come back to their senses.

"Oops. My bad" Lance laughed and then retreated to his seat "I got carried away."

"You have one beautiful secretary." Lance commented and went straight to the point. "Can I have her?"

Bellona frowned. Have her? She wasn't a property to own. 

She wanted to retort but a part of her wanted to know how Zephyr would respond to this. 

"Get your own" Zephyr simply said causing a small, almost unnoticeable smile on Bellona's face. He must have not realized but he was slowly coming to accept her as his secretary or more?

"But you have Lucian. He's is the perfect secretary for you" Lance tried to negotiate.

"Who I employ is non of your business. What is mine is mine" Zephyr said getting irritated at Lance's behavior but he failed to realize that he sounded like a protective mate right now.

"Why are you back so soon?" Zephyr asked Bellona, changing the topic. He didn't want to entertain Lance any longer.

She was right after all. So he purposely sent her away.

"Mr Lucian is absent so I came running back just in case you need my service" Bellona smiled and answered like a diligent employee.

"You could have waited for him. That document is very important and I certainly did not need your help, did I?" Zephyr snapped.

Bellona was about to reply but Lancelot beat her to it. "Don't scare her, Zephyrus. Besides, if she hadn't come earlier than expected, I wouldn't have set my eyes on her"

"Gumdrop" Lance called her and she cringed at the endearment. "I'll be on my way now because I have an important meeting. But.." He handed her a card, "this is my contact. Call me if he bullies you and I'll come running to you, okay? Zephyr is a big bully but don't fear, I'm here for you"

On hearing his sentence, Bellona smiled widely. This man would be a great help to her and she'd be a fool to let him go.

"Okay" She said meekly.

"Goodbye Zephyr" Lance called out and proceeded to walk out the door.

Lancelot was very confident in his charms so he walked out the door happy that in no distant time, he'd have Bellona right were he wanted her.

Bellona forgot to wipe the small smile off her face when Lancelot left. She was happy that her plan was coming together faster and better than she had expected.

"Why are you smiling?" Zephyr asked with an irritated tone.

"Huh?" Bellona was puzzled.

"Don't you have any other thing to do other than standing there daydreaming"

Bellona quickly wiped the smile away from her face and said, "I'll be going to my office now."

She turned to leave but Zephyr's voice made her stop.

"Wait" He said.

"Is there any problem, sir?" Bellona asked.

"Since you have all the free time in the world, why don't you reorganize this shelf" He pointed to the book shelf in his office.

Bellona stared at him weirdly and then turned her gaze to the book shelf which was already organized. 

How organized did he want it?

Either way, she walked to the shelf and began organizing it.

Zephyr wondered why he was getting worked up for absolutely no reason. Since he saw how Bellona reacted to Lance, he had been restless.

Why was he behaving this way when she wasn't his mate? If she were his mate, his wolf, Fenir would have let him know the moment he set his eyes on her. So why was he restless about an average human girl?

The thought of her being with a man made his stomach churn and he didn't know why but he certainly did not like it.

He needed to clear his head. He was going crazy as it seems.

Zephyr looked over to Bellona and that instant, he let out an angry roar.


Bellona was busy trying to organize the shelf in a way she thought would please him. She raised her hands to move a big book and that instant, she heard Zephyr's roar.

"Leave!" He roared.

"Huh?" Bellona was confused. Wasn't he the one that asked her to organize the shelf?

"Get your hands off that book and leave this instant." He repeated. His face red with rage.

Bellona's hands dropped but she was still confused so she asked, "how do you-" 

She was yet to finish her words when Zephyr shouted at her again. 

"Don't you understand. I. Said. Get. Out!" He said, making sure to say every word loud and clear.

"Not like I want to he here anyway" Bellona hissed and walked out, not forgetting to bang the door loudly.

The moment Bellona was out of sight, Zephyr rose from his chair and walked to the book shelf. He carefully touched it and then placed his hands on the book that Bellona had previously touched, then be slightly pulled the book out and the book shelf separated, revealing a secret passage.

Zephyr sighed and glanced around, ensuring that everything was in place and afterwards, he pushed the book back and the passageway closed.

He didn't care if he hurt Bellona with the way he shouted but he had to do what must be done to protect what must be protected.

"No one must ever come to know of this place" He muttered to himself.



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