
The masked ball

The doors opened to admit Riordan at the top of the dais and time in the room froze. In a dark shirt and dark pants tailored to show off his strong muscular physique, he was breaking everyone’s expectations of him wearing the customary mourning white clothes. He was the only person not wearing a mask, and also the only one without a date so one could say he was mourning in his own way.

She watched him alight the stairs and nothing could have prepared her for the irresistible pull that drew her to him. She craved his touch on her skin, his scent in her lungs. It wasn’t hard to remember why she hated him but it was like he had seized control of her body from half a room away, pressing obscene urges into her mind despite her repulsion of him. She shook her head and fought against the pull so hard her body shook.

“A drink, my lady?” A serving girl asked and offered her a tray.

“Thank you.” She took one gratefully and sipped. It was a disappointment to realise she wasn’t prepared for this moment, no matter how much she’d convinced herself she was.

“Found you.” She heard and her lungs forgot to draw breath.

She spun around to find Riordan staring at her and she staggered back a step with a gasp. She saw his face, looking exactly as it did now as he stepped into a pool of her mother’s blood. Anger flashed under her skin but she converted it into a tight smile.

“So you did.” She replied. He’d had no problem finding her at all, even with her dark mask.

“Dance with me.” He said, offering her a hand and her brows cocked. Did he think she would hesitate state to strike with the spotlight on her? The music was just starting and she obliged. Keep your enemies close...

The first touch of her fingers on his had her gut tightening with desire. He pulled her onto the dance floor and behind them, Prince Hans was far from pleased at this sight but she never even noticed.

“If we’re going to keep running into each other then I should know your name don’t you think?” He asked her and she smirked.

“You won’t live long enough to make any use of that.” She replied and he huffed an unamused laugh.

“One of us will die for sure.” He said. “I should know what name to put to your tomb.”

Her brows rose. He would kill her for what she did to his bride then? Did his bride mean that much to him?

“Lady Rosette of Grenwich.” She replied. “But you won’t be needing that. I shall promise you no grave and no tomb. Your body will be left on the highest mountain for the vultures to feed from for days.” She vowed.

His head cocked and his fingers flexed on her waist again. He spun her around and when she rolled back in, they were standing way closer than they were before. His fingers splayed on her back, the tips so close to the curve of her ass.

“Of everyone to find my mate in, why you?” He asked, his voice boiling with hatred.

“Are you put off with having a mercenary for a mate? You are the leader of a rebel group, Riordan. There are prices on your head so you should rethink your moral high-ground.” She said acidly and covered it up with a sweet smile for their audience.

His eyes narrowed dangerously. “I’m fighting to overthrow the rot that has overtaken the roots of this kingdom. How dare you compare me to you who kills for money?”

She laughed. “What a delight, finding you a hypocrite. You are a murderer Riordan Savvey, and I swear I will not rest until I have plunged my dagger into your black heart!”

His grip on her waist was getting tight and she gasped as she drew against his body and her nipples pebbled, a warm rush setting her loins aflame. Her body betrayed her, again and again.

“Ilyria is at war Princess, a war bigger than than your cloak of night and a flash of your dagger. While you count your coins of blood, there are some of us out here fighting for the kingdom to be free from the tyranny of King Callahan.“ He hissed in her ear.

Of course he had no way of knowing that she witnessed his darkest deed with her own two eyes, this misplaced knight.

“I know what you are.” She whispered back. “You may hide behind your cloak of freedom-fighting but you cannot hide the truth forever. The world will be a better place when you’re no longer walking on it.”

He suddenly pressed her into the wall and she gasped, wondering how they got separated from the rest of the dancers. Her heart pounded and magic tingled at her fingertips in defence, this was her chance to end him.

“And how do you intend to do that?” He asked her, crowding her space. Little shocks of delight raced over her skin as his breath bathed her face. He touched her waist again, almost like he couldn’t keep his hands off her and when his expression became angrier, she knew he hated this connection of theirs as much as she did.

“There are five hallowed weapons and I know the location of every one of them. You don’t have one so how do you intend to kill an immortal with it?” He whispered in her ear. She shivered violently and her back arched, her hand moving on its own accord to rest on his chest. To push him off..?

He pressed even closer, his gaze daring her.

“How did you kill Mira with nothing but a disappearing arrow?” He asked her. “What are you really?”

His gaze slid to her lips and to her dismay, she wanted him to close the distance. Her hands fisted on his shirt to pull him closer and she felt possessed with desire. It was the worst form of torture. Why couldn’t she hate him like she needed to? He murdered her mother and then her father in cold blood!

She finally summoned enough strength to push him off.

“So your information has holes, why should I bother to fill them?” She asked.

“What’s going on here?” Prince Hans finally found them, his face set in a frown.

“My Prince! I don’t feel so well, the gentleman was making sure I can walk.” She sighed dramatically, moving to his side.

Riordan’s gaze burned as he looked between them and she ignored him and slipped her arm through the prince’s. Prince Hans’ expression dissolved into worry and he looked her over frantically.

“What’s wrong? Does it hurt anywhere?” He asked her worriedly.

“Nothing like that my prince. I just need to rest, I shall retire early from the ball I think.” She said, praying his chauvinism did not put her mission in greater jeopardy.

“I shall escort you back then.” He said and she nearly rolled her eyes at his predictability.

“No, I would hate to cut your evening short.” She said, placing a hand on his arm. His cheeks reddened and he flustered predictably.

“No, no, I don’t mind at all.” He began but she cut him off.

“I do.” She said, affecting a regretful air. “The carriage is outside isn’t it? I’m sure Cedric can deliver me home just fine. The crowd is getting to me, perhaps next time you could show me those lands of yours, just you and I.” Her voice was loaded with insinuation and he was practically vibrating with anticipation.

It was amusing really. No matter how much he chased, he knew it couldn’t end in a marriage. He was a cousin to the king, he would have a strong tactical match in the future so in truth what he wanted was to sleep with her.

“I’ll escort you out at least.” He offered and took her arm. She didn’t spare her mate one more glance as she made her way out but his gaze burned into her back the entire way.

“Thank you for inviting me this evening.” She said as he kissed her knuckles.

“It was my pleasure. I’ll see you then.” No he wouldn’t but she waved at him with a big grin as the carriage pulled away. She waited until the noise of the ball could no longer reach her ears before she slid out of the carriage and pulled up on top. Cedrick was singing a merry song as he rode the carriage away and she flipped back and landed on the tarred road silently, watching the carriage pull away. She had unfinished business back there.

She ran all the way back and the closer she got to the ball again, the harder her resolution was to end it tonight. She slipped back into the shadows, locating him instantly. He was talking and laughing with a human woman that was totally bedazzled with him. He should enjoy flirting, she thought, it would be the last thing he did before she plunged her dagger into his black heart.

Magic thrummed in her veins and a dagger manifested in her fist, smoking and filled with shadows. She trailed him around the hall until he finally excused himself and headed to a far-end door. She wasn’t going to let this opportunity go. She went after him, slipping through the door silently and closing the distance between them as he headed for the balcony.

Like a snake she struck from his back, aiming for his heart but he suddenly dropped and rolled away. Damn him and his fast reflexes!

”I knew you’d be back.” He said, giving her a cold smile.

“I made a death promise to you.” She said with a vicious grin. “I intend to keep it.”

She raised her dark dagger again and lunged but her head suddenly spun and she staggered. She shook her head, seeing two of him. Something was wrong, she had to finish this fast! She lunged again, feigning right and coming up on the other side. He danced back from the tip of her dagger and then suddenly yanked her close, spinning her around and arresting her arms in a painful position.

“You bastard! What have you done?” She hissed. Her head spun like a top.

“You got everything wrong, mate.” He murmured in her ears. “You are mine and I will make you beg for mercy.”

Her vision grew cloudy and she swayed. she couldn’t believe it. She didn’t have a single bite to eat all evening except... the damn drink! The bastard had it all planned out from the start!

“Goodnight Princess.” He whispered and his hands landed on either side of her face as he snapped her neck. Everything went black.

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