
Chapter Forty Seven

Ana's POV:

I toss and turn , trying to sleep , but each time , I close my eyes, my mind goes to Drew. I wonder what he might be upto? Would he have forgiven me? I hope he is not being harsh on his famliy or Jer and I hope the ache in his heart heals and I hope he moves on and falls in love again.

No, that's a lie. I don't want that to happen. I can't bear to see him with some other girl, his hands around her and then he smiles at her , with dimples. She leans in for a kiss and-

Nope , not going down that road. Not a nice way to punish myself for leaving him. I need to distract myself from Drew. I recall the boxes that Aurora gave me to open once I reach here, so I get up but immediately regret it when I am greeted by cold floors and chilly air. I am probably freezing because the only thing I am wearing is a slip that Alex gave me as gift on her wedding. I quickly open my suitcase and take the box out. I sit on the couch across my bed and open the box . The first thing I see is a ph
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