
Chapter Thirty Eight

I wake up and follow my usual routine and go downstairs to greet Aunt Sara. I pause midstep when I realise that she is no more. A wave of sadness hits me. Then I remember that Drew was supposed to be with me , He was staying with me. I look around to see any signs of Drew but he is nowhere to be found. I panic. My thoughts are scrambled and full of what ifs?

What if he's gone too? What if he left me?

No. It can't be . He is here. I am just being paranoid. He would never leave me. He is not that type of guy.

The door opens , forcing me to look at it. I see Drew shaking the umbrella . He gets inside and takes one look at me and then he rushes towards me. He takes my face in his hands and kisses my head .

He asks me," What happened?"

"Where were you?" I ask him . My voice filled with panic.

"Outside." He says.

"I thought you lef-"

" No. Don't think like that. I would never leave you. I am here. It's alright. You are alright." He says and goes inside the kitchen.

"Now stop overthin
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