
Chapter Twenty Nine

I finish my last glass of wine for tonight. As told by Drew. If it was upto me , I would have drank some more but I can't handle my liquor well so drew stopped me before it came to that point . Yeah , Aunt Sara is okay with me drinking wine , without alcohol or less alcohol. This started when i lost my parents and I kind of started drinking wine . Like a lot. So we had a truce that helps me control my urge and balance it.

"It's getting cold for you. Come on , let's go in." He says and in a second all of the stuff and empty dishes are inside. I get up and Drew comes back to pick the sheets and we head in.

"So, what now?" I ask as I get inside and sit on the couch.

"What do you want to do?" Drew replies.

"Well, you planned this date so you get a say in it." I revert back.

"Do you want to go home yet?" He asks me , his brows scrunched.

"I don't know. I mean it is getting late. But-" I am cut off by drew .

"No need to go home then. You can stay here for the night. I think Sara won't
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