

Roy knocked on Ernest's door. From inside, Ernest invited him to enter.

"I'm sorry, sir, I haven't managed to persuade Alex, you do know how stubborn Alex is, don't you?" Roy said as he entered.

"Yes, I know Alex is very stubborn. But why do you have so many wounds on your face, can you explain it to me?" asked Ernest to the point.

"Mercy, sir, just now while trying to persuade Alex, we got into a fight. But it's okay, I can accept these injuries as long as Alex wants to come back. But alas, he is sticking to his decision, not to return to this organization," Roy explained at length.

"Oh, really? So you've met and persuaded Alex?" asked Ernest again.

"Of course, I have, sir."

"Then what did you do to persuade him? Did you come straight in to make trouble and hit him?"

"N-no, sir. I tried to talk to him nicely but you know Alex's bad temper, always responding to things with emotion. That's why you got into a fight," Roy said, Of course, he was lying.

Ernest secretly hid a faint smile.
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