
Two Sequences

Diana was staring at the display of fireworks few meters away from Edward's Villa.So engrossed was she in the beautiful display that she didn't feel the ominous presence of someone close to her.

It wasn't until a little boy running did she snap out of her mesmerizing.

The little boy wasn't looking so he bumped into her with so much force that it almost sent her landing on her belly if not for the intervention of a pair of arms.

Looking up,she found it was him again.

What was his name? If it weren't for that novel she wouldn't have remembered it with ease.

What she failed to understand,as she released herself from his grip was why his eyes were in close resemblance with that of Edward's.

She could never for hell,miss the striking resemblance of those eyes

Or perhaps she was mistaken.

"Thank you" she muttered and then prepared to leave,suppressing the recurring questions in her mind.

"You didn't tell me you came here with someone" he stopped her and went to stand in front of her.

"I was
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