
Chapter 50

It has been almost three hours since my encounter with Mr. Miller and I am still proud of putting him in his place. I'm in the changing room with Brits and some other girls talking and resting.

" Don't you think Mr. Miller's rival company CEO, Justin Adams looks very hot today"one of the says

"Yh and you know he is much younger than Mr. Miller"another girl says

"Wait ,wait,wait how old is Mr. Miller?"I ask confused

"Mr. Miller is 30years old. Why" she says

"Wow, all this while I thought he was 25/26"I say in astonishment

"Yh I Know right, he looks younger than he age." Brits says and suddenly Julia barges in with a worried face.

"Julia what is wrong"Brits asks immediately

"Mr. Miller wants Kehlani to sing tonight. They are waiting for you" she says and I immediately go rigid

"What!wh..why will he say that?"I ask

"I don't know but we have to leave immediately and get you ready. Luckily you aren't changing" she says and pulls me out of the room to follow her.


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