
Missing her

Dion -

I endured a night of restless tossing in his frigid bed, haunted by memories of her faint scent. An array of unsettling thoughts raced through my mind: What if she never returned?

With the sun finally cresting over the horizon, I rose, feeling fatigued and irritable. After a steaming shower, I confronted my worn reflection in the mirror. Bloodshot eyes with heavy bags beneath them, sunken and hollow skin—but most concerning of all, a lack of vitality in my gaze.

The prospect of an eternity without her seemed unbearable. Tears streamed down my face as I envisioned a lengthy, desolate existence devoid of her presence. Clutching my chest, I felt my heartache as it fragmented into countless pieces. I now understood the madness that gripped those who lost their life companions.

Brushing away the tears, I sensed my wolf.

He yearned for her—for her to come back and answer all my questions. Why did she decide to run away from us?

'She was not our mate!" I put aside my wolf and tried t
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