
chapter 82

By teatime the next day, Xiao is in our private parlor, waiting for me. She’s sitting on one of the sofas, but she stands the moment I enter, and bows deeply. “Your Majesty.”

“I’m so glad to see you!” It takes everything in me not to run at her and hug her; we don’t have that kind of relationship. But seeing her is a balm that soothes homesickness I didn’t realize I felt.

“I’ve done a preliminary sweep of this wing, and some of the public areas I’ve been briefed on,” she begins. “The garden is a concern to me, considering its proximity to the park—”

“I’m sure you’re doing a great job,” I interrupt her. “And I’ll listen to whatever suggestions you give me with regards to security. You don’t need to explain.”

That seems to take her aback. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I’m not scolding you,” I hurry to assure her. “Please, sit down. Would you like tea?”

“I…” she hesitates.

I ring the bell, anyway. “I’ve got stuff I need to ask you about.”

“All right.” She sounds cautious, but she takes a seat. “
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