
Chapter 102

“I am not kind hearted, James.” I started to say as a small chuckle slipped out of my mouth, right before I continued. “And you know It. We both know I am nothing close to being kind hearted.”

I watched as James breathed out a laugh before staring at me like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing coming out from my mouth. He started to speak about a minute had passed. “Did you say you’re not kind hearted?”

He asked and the thin line around my lips got more intense as I turned my head around to watch him once again, hating how I knew that he had a point without even trying to think, deep down in my heart.

“I am not.” I said to him and watched as he started to laugh once again before calming down and reaching out to place a hand around my shoulder, a gesture which made me turn my head around him to glare pointedly at him until he pulled his hand away from my shoulder while laughing a little.

“But if we’re being honest with yourself, you do know you’re kind hearted compared to a lo
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