
The Cost of Breakthrough

The room was dimly lit by the flickering candlelight, casting long shadows that danced on the walls. My fingers traced the edges of an ancient tome, the worn leather cover cool under my touch. I could feel the weight of the Elders' expectations pressing down on me, a constant reminder of the stakes.

"This has to work," I murmured to myself, my voice barely above a whisper. "Grandmother's life depends on it."

As I scanned the cryptic symbols on the yellowed pages, a sudden, sharp pain shot through my temples, forcing me to close my eyes. The room seemed to spin around me, and I clutched the edge of the table for support.

"Raven?" Duke's voice cut through the haze, filled with concern. His strong, steady presence was a lifeline. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, even though the dizziness hadn't fully passed. "I think I've found something," I said, forcing my voice to remain steady. "A ritual, buried deep in the text. But it's risky. It requires a sacrifice."

Duke's brow furrowed as he steppe
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