
Chapter 96 - Do right by her

"Are you finally going to tell me where are we going?" I ask my father as we drive through the town.

"Relax son, we are almost there." I hate it we he acts all cryptic. "Why don't you tell me about your plans with Autumn?" My plans? My plan is to take care of her and make her happy this time around.

"I wanted to talk to you about that. I was thinking you would come back to take charge of the company while I help Autumn recover. For that, I will have to go to the Hamptons." Even if he doesn't accept, he'll just have to deal with it. Even if the company goes to ruin I will be by Autumn's side.

"Dont worry about it, I understand. Besides going back to the company will be good for me, to take my mind off of things that happened lately. Until they catch Alice and I find the coward of her mother." I can't believe Alice managed to escape, until she is found I won't be able to rest. But a part of me hopes that at least she ran far enough to be as far away from Autumn as possible.

"Thank yo

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