
Will You Marry Him?


"Mom, will you marry Kent?" Bethany let the question hang in the air as her mom reached for a fluffy white roll sitting in the basket between them.

"What?" Her mom pulled her hand back like she'd been burned.

The older woman was a perfect replica of Bethany. Long, silky chestnut hair, full lips, and green eyes. She looked completely innocent and well-kept, and yet she’d been through more hell than anyone could possibly imagine. She and Bethany both.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but when you told me that he proposed a few weeks ago, you seemed really happy. I don’t know why you just didn’t say yes right then.”

“It’s complicated, Bethany.”

“I know, Mom. But I also know that you’re just holding back because you’re letting everything that happened with Dad scare you away from the one thing that could make you truly happy. You and Kent have been dating for six months, and he's crazy about you."

"Why do you care if Kent and I get married right now?"

"I had an appointment with my adviser today, and there isn't enough funding for me to get through the first year of my master’s program." She held up her hand as her mother started to protest. "I know you don't understand the need for a master’s, but I'm telling you that I need it. I want financial freedom, and ever since Daddy left all those years ago, we've had anything but that. I want a chance to be free from this, Mom."

Her mom visibly flinched, reaching and taking the bread and then picking at it, her gaze filled with concern. They had been through far too much together over Bethany's twenty-two years not to be straightforward with one another. Her mom loved Kent, and Bethany knew they would get married eventually, so the request wasn't too far-fetched, just perhaps a little selfish in its timing.

"And you think me marrying Kent will take care of your finances?"

"I'm praying that you'll mention my situation. I'm not asking for a handout but a loan. I'll pay it back once I'm working for an accounting firm downtown, Mom. There is no way I'm not going to get a great job next year. I just need some help now."

"I wish I could help you, but I don't have anything put away." Her mom's eyes diverted toward the table as the waiter walked up, a smile on his mouth.

"Hi, ladies. You ready to order?"

Bethany's mom sat up, pulling her menu up as she motioned for Bethany to place her order. Bethany picked up the menu and looked at the prices, not caring a bit what items were attached to them. They were broke and shouldn't even be at the small cafe. Money was the bane of her existence, and coveting it anytime soon seemed like a lofty goal.

"I'll take a cup of tomato soup and a water, please?"

"Not very hungry today?" He smiled and took her menu, winking at her as she smiled back.

"Nope. Big breakfast."

Her mother ordered as Bethany reached for a roll. Her stomach softly protested, the deep burn of hunger an old friend. She hadn't had a big breakfast or any breakfast at all. Every penny she had went to books and supplies for school. She ate once a day and sometimes not even that unless her roommate brought home leftovers. She'd have given anything to order a cheeseburger with fries and a Coke, but life wasn't that giving.

The waiter moved away, and Bethany shoved the rest of the roll in her mouth, the soft white bread melting in her mouth. Worry covered her mother's features as she pushed the basket toward her.

"Are you not eating again?"

Bethany finished chewing the roll, her thoughts far from the conversation at the table as she enjoyed the flavors rolling across her tongue. She ate out every once in a while, but it was usually on a date, and that always ended with some random horny guy demanding sex. Disgusting.

"I have to spend what little money I get from my grants on a place to live and books, Mom. Food is a luxury."

"Baby, you shouldn't starve yourself."

"What options do I have?" Bethany laughed, the sound falling flat.

"Take a semester off and come back home with me." Her mom crossed her arms over her chest, an eyebrow raising as Bethany reached for another roll and picked up the small cup of butter, dipping the bread in it without concern for her actions.

"I can't take off from school, Mom, and I don't have a car that runs very well. One more year of this, and I'll be able to finally take care of myself."

"I don't like that you're not eating."

"I don't like it either, but you're as broke as I am."

"I'll ask Kent to give me some money for you."

"No." Bethany leaned forward, her mouth pursed into a tight line. She didn't want handouts from someone who wasn't connected to her family intimately, and even though a loan was an option, it was the last option on her list. She needed Kent to move into the position of being her stepfather, and then it would make sense to get financial help from him.


"No, Mom. Just stop messing around and get married. You're going to get married anyway. He loves you, and you love him."

"What would being married to him change?"

"I would be his daughter, Mom. I would finally have a dad, and maybe, just maybe, he would see my struggle and offer to help me." Tears burned her eyes, and she picked up her napkin, wiping at them quickly. Being emotional or weak hadn't gotten her anywhere in life, and it certainly wouldn't do her any favors now.

"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry I don't have more to give you. If only I'd been a stronger woman when your dad put us through all that shit."

"I don't want to talk about this." Bethany dropped the napkin in her lap, her emotions pressing hard against the confines of her chest. "I have one more year of school and need help. You're going to marry Kent anyway. I'm just asking that you move it up and do it in the next month, Mom. Please."

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