
Chapter 110 Chapter one hundred and ten


Sydney's POV

I woke up to a silent house. Not that it was always noisy in the mansion but there was always this buzzing energy in the atmosphere; the sound of Tavon's business-like voice (very distinct from the one he used in that room ) making business calls or the distant sounds of the whips, the clatters of plates in the kitchen, the murmurs and quiet giggles of Tavon's staff as they chatted animatedly and cracked jokes amongst themselves.

I had grown accustomed to a quiet but not so quiet mansion, but this morning? The mansion was dead silent. If a pin dropped, I swear, it would echo throughout the mansion. It was eerily still as if the walls were also holding their breath.

After peeking my head out a couple of times to catch a whiff of any hushed conversation or any hint as to what had gone wrong, I resigned and went to take my bath. The hot water did little to soothe the sense of dread that had settled in the pit of my stomach.

I got dressed and proc
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