
Chapter 86 Chapter Eighty Six

Silence descended the room, wrapping everywhere like a cloak of thick blanket. People exchanged looks before they settled their gaze on Lucas.

I looked at Lucas' unfathomable expression and I wondered why he was doing all of these? What was the need for this power he was seeking to gain? Why did he have to take revenge after he had forgiven them? Had he been waiting all these while for Doris to be out of the picture before he made his move?

I sighed. I couldn't quite fmdrag my gaze from this man addressing everyone, his eyes willing everyone to raise their hands and vote to support him. He seemed too unfamiliar, too cruel. Where was my softhearted Lucas? The one who shrugged and said, "it's all in the past now."

A hand slowly raised in the air and all heads turned to the man that raised his hand. Almost a second later, another person raised their hand, voting their support and in mere minutes, several hands of the shareholders that supported Lucas were up in the air.

As they continued
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