
Chapter 118

Chapter 118


Immediately i walked out of the hospital, i received a call from Sara, i cursed as i rushed to get to my car, i had spent more time than i intended here with Eric

"Hello" I answered

"Saul, where are you?" She asked

"Am just leaving my place" i replied as i started my car

"Doctor Sams is already here waiting for you" she said

"I know, am on my way, i just got delayed" i assured her, i knew she wasn't sure i would see her even though i assured her i would yesterday, after spending almost three hours with Eric, i was certain i had prepared myself mentally enough for the Doctor to find me sane

"I will see you soon honey" i said and hang up the call.

I was half way to Sara's parents place when my phone rang, i looked at the screen and saw that my mom was calling, A frown made a way to my face as i wondered why she was calling.

With the way i treated her last time she came to my place, one would assume she would never talk to me again,

I let out a deep sign and final
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