
Marry Me

Emily watched, her heart pounding, as the police officers stormed the cabin. Shouts and the sounds of a struggle echoed through the night. She held her breath, praying that Andrew would be okay and that this nightmare would finally come to an end.

The minutes stretched on, feeling like hours. Then, finally, she saw Mark being dragged out of the cabin in handcuffs, his face twisted in rage and defeat. Two officers followed, supporting a battered but alive Andrew. Relief flooded through Emily as she rushed to his side.

"Andrew!" she cried, tears streaming down her face as she reached him. "Are you okay?"

Andrew managed a weak smile, wincing as he did. "I'm okay, Emily. Are you hurt?"

She shook her head, her emotions overwhelming her. "No, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come."

The police led Mark to one of the patrol cars, where he was roughly shoved into the back seat. One of the officers approached Emily and Andrew, his expression s
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