
61. Wiping the colour?

As Adam took the wine glass from Sebastian and gulped some, the atmosphere in the room shifted subtly, tension simmering just beneath the surface. Sebastian's expression remained unreadable as he watched Adam, his thoughts veiled behind a mask of indifference.

"I hope you remember our deal, Sebastian," Adam muttered, his voice low and tinged with a hint of urgency.

Sebastian's brow furrowed in confusion. "Deal?" he repeated, feigning ignorance.

But Adam wasn't fooled by Sebastian's facade. He knew that beneath the veneer of nonchalance lay a cunning mind, always calculating and scheming.

"Oh, come on. Don't play games with me," Adam retorted, his patience wearing thin. "I'm talking about me becoming the state CM."

Sebastian's lips curled into a mocking smile, his amusement evident in the glint of his eyes. "What can I do about it?" he taunted, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

The dismissive attitude grated on Adam's nerves, fueling the fire of his frustration. With a swift movement, he
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