
Billionaire's maid
Billionaire's maid
Author: Jennie

Chapter One

Chapter 1

Ella's POV

I sat very still, as I watched the Human Resources Manager slide back gracefully into her high backed chair behind the vintage wooden table. Miss Murphy, a middle aged woman, wearing a gray suit, with her black hair pulled back away from her face in a loose bun.

I kept my fingers crossed, holding my breath waiting for the decision. it is been my dream to work in New York University, my Alma meter where my mom and dad also graduated.

"Sorry for making you wait miss Sinclair, she gave me a faint smile and laid my resume on the table, she left me earlier to talk with the University president, Mr Andrew, her expressions were hopeful then but now it was serious.

I smiled nervously, as I waited for her to continue, still hopeful to get a result.

"Well, Mr Andrew is very impressed with your resume, you were always on the dean's list, your participation in the University clubs and extracurricular activities are remarkable. Your volunteer work for the school fundraising projects are very much appreciated. He wants you to know that he's very grateful for your help. As to your character very excellent, a leader was born in you, you have all the qualifications we need for an history teacher"

I was overwhelmed with joy hearing her pleasant words. It felt so great being appreciated for all my hard work in studying , participation and accomplishments in the University.

I invested too much in blood, sweat and tears to achieve my dream, to become a history professor initially then work on my main goal which is to publish academic articles and books.

I enjoyed studying and reading and learning about the past, I believe that historical knowledge is very vital in understanding humanity, and events, culture, beliefs science and other things, it explains the how's whats and whys that transpired in the present time.

"Thank you,I had fun doing the volunteer work, the experiences were very challenging and I gained so many friends".

"I'm glad you see it that way", I saw her heave a deep sigh and her smile faded slowly.

Oh no

"I'm sorry to say that we are not hiring a history professor right now despite your impressive resume, we can't give you a spot".

I listened with rising dismay. My heart sank and suddenly all pleasure left me

"I can work as a volunteer or an apprentice, it's okay if it's not a regular job, just a little allowance for my food and gas will do" I spoke with quiet desperate and firmness

She shook her head "the University doesn't take volunteer or apprentice professors, I'm sorry miss Sinclair , it's the president decision, we can not contest that. But don't worry I'll put you in our priority list, I'll call you as soon as we start hiring, okay?"

I forced my lips to part in a curved stiff smile, then nodded "thank you for your time, Miss Murphy. I'll wait for your call."

Devastated, I walked towards my car, a yellow hatchback dragging my heavy feet, I turned and stared at the University's main building then sighed.

"Hey Ella, are you okay?"

I heard Mr Lee, one of the campus guards behind, l faced him and bit my lower lip in dismay.

"No, I am not", I answered in a sinking tone

"You didn't get the job? "

I nodded, and then he bursted, "what the hell, you are a smart kid, You contributed too much for the University, you did a good job in helping get the donations for calamity victims, my family even benefited from it, what else do they want ".

"They are not hiring right now, president's orders"

"Ahhh....Mr Andrew, it's their loss child,not yours, we will miss seeing you here on campus with your banana cake"

"Don't worry, whenever I drop by, I will bring you a box" I opened my car, then got inside

"Thanks kid" he closed my door for me, "drive safely, okay?"

I nodded and smiled at him.

Before I could start the car, I remembered that I had muted my phone during the interview, I took it out of my bag and to my surprise, there was many missed calls coming from Dad and Aunt Jodie.

What is going on, my dismay was instantly replaced with panic as i stared at my phone's screen

There were many text messages but I would rather talk to Dad

My heart throbed so fast as I waited for him to answer .

He was in Caribbean with Mom, they were having a grand vacation for a month

"Ella", finally dad answered, "I have been calling you for ages, what happened"

"I was in an interview, I muted my phone "

"Oh that was today"

"Yes", I answered impatiently, "what is going on??", "why were you calling a lot??", "Is Mom fine??"

"Yes", "we are okay"," your mother is totally fine"," it's your Aunt Jodie", she slipped in the supermarket and broke her arm.


"A nurse from miller hospital contacted me, Jodie was in terrible pain, but she's okay now, she has been sedated, she is in the emergency ward"

"Ok, I will go and see her now", I started the car and was about to hang up, when dad asked, "ohh by the way, how was the interview? Did you get the job?"

"Um, I will tell you about it later, I have got to go, bye!!"

"Just answer me you got the job?, Yes or no. you got the job, right??

"What", I tapped the screen of my phone "I can't hear you, dad, you are so choppy "

"Damn it, what's that noise, it is killing my ear drums "

"What dad?, Krrrr signal's krrrr bad Krrrr.

Talk to you later bye!!, Krrrrr "

"I coughed after making all these gurgling sounds, I need water"

"When I got there, Aunt Jodie was still sleeping, when I arrived at the hospital, I broken is already in the cast, I asked the nurse in charge, and she give me all the information, I needed

The supermarket owner brought Aunt Jodie to the hospital, he promised to pay for all the medical bills including the caregiver rehab and other expenses. Aunt Jodie slipped on a wet floor from a spilled soda. The injury was a simple fracture but I will take 6 to 8 weeks to heal well

When Aunt Jodie woke up she was devastated that she would have to spend 2 months in the hospital to recover well

"I can't lose my new job, I am supposed to report tomorrow"

"I am sure your employer will understand u have a valid reason."

"Probably Mr Knight would but calliope wouldn't, she is in a hurry to marry her online boyfriend in Mexico"

"Calliope who?"

"The housekeeper I am replacing, she is the overseer of the mansion and Mr Knight trusted her to hire the household help, there are too many applicants waiting because of the big salary and many benefits. My only advantage is your dad, who gave me the referral "

Dad worked as a finance officer in one of the knights Holding company in New York. Ever since, I could remember, he was already with the company, the decent life that we have, we owe it all to the knights

I was really happy that Aunt Jodie got the job at the Knights Mansion, After jumping from one employer to another, she finally got a good one, she's Dad's younger sister, unmarried and lives alone, An housekeeping job would suit her better but how could she report tomorrow to her work place if she is injured???

"What am I going to do? Calliope will hire someone else in my place, if I can't be in the mansion tomorrow" she started to cry and my heart melted easily

I could not bare to see her so sad, she meant so much to me, growning up she took care of me because Mom could not because of her fragile heart

The best I could do was to help her, the job was a big deal for her, her dream job, just like her- to work as a professor in New York University, I already failed, I could not let Aunty Jodie fail also, one of us is enough

"Don't worry Aunt Jodie, I will take over your job for two months, so stop being sad and just concentrate on having a fast recovery for now"

Her eyes grew wide, then she shook her head "No, you will not, your dad will kill me"

"He will only know if you tell him or mom, they won't be back in a month, and by the time they are back we can come up with a good alibi"

"What about your job at New York University "

"I did not get it, they are not hiring history professors now"

"I am sorry to hear that, you must be devastated "

"Don't worry, aunty I don't want you to feel the same, so I will take over your job tomorrow "

"No way, it's an housekeeping job, you don't have any experience "

"Ofcourse, I have, and I had the best mentor "


"Who else, but you, you trained me as I grew up, in cleaning the house, arranging furniture,cooking meals and keeping all things organized"

"I am not sure about this......"

"Trust me, Aunt Jodie, it's only two months, I can do it, I won't disappoint you"

She shrugged her shoulders, still not convinced

"Can you do me a favor?, Please go to the mansion tomorrow and talk to Calliope??, Tell are what happened to me.maybe she can find a solution. I am sure she knows someone who can act as my reliever"

"Okay I will, I will see her first thing in the morning"

"Thanks, you are always a darling

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