
David, you are smiling!!!!

David's POV ..

I helped peace out of doc's office as I led her towards the car. Getting to the car I opened the door for her, let her settle until I too entered.

" I want to take you out peace, you know to celebrate this good news". I said pointing at her belly.

" Yes, let's go out am craving for ice cream right now". Peace answered almost immediately let she was expecting me to say something like that before.

" You want ice cream?".

" Yes, I want ice cream and some cookies".

" Okay". With that I instructed the drive to the us to mat-ice.

We arrived at mat ice and I helped peace out of the car.

" Mr Wilton". The manager came running to me immediately she saw us, she let us in and helped peace sit.

I ordered for vanilla ice cream and some chocolate cookies and it was brought to us almost immediately. She unconsciously licked her lips like a pervert once the package
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