

Xavier noticed that Olivia lowered her head and was busy on her laptop, but he didn't want to interrupt her. He decided to take a chance and ask her if she wanted to have lunch.

"Hey Olivia, how about we grab some lunch? Since we're already at a restaurant," Xavier suggested with a smile.

Olivia looked up from her laptop, surprised by the sudden invitation. "Sure, that sounds great," she replied, nodding her head.

Xavier suggested they pull their laptops to the side, so they wouldn't have to stop working. Olivia agreed, and they both moved their laptops to the edge of the table.

After placing their orders, they continued to work on their laptops while waiting for their meals to arrive. Once their food arrived, they took a break from their work to enjoy their meals.

As they ate, they chatted about their projects and caught up on what was happening in their personal lives. It was a nice break from the hustle and bustle of work, and they both felt rejuvenated after their lunch break.

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