
Hidden Seen.

Ava's eyes narrowed, and she leaned across the table towards Alexander. "I don't understand why you would choose a poor girl over me. I'm a multi-trillionaire, Alex. I could give you everything you ever wanted."

Alexander felt a surge of anger rising up within him. He couldn't believe that Ava was reducing everything to money and status. "Ava, I'm a Multi-trillionaire myself, and besides that's not what this is about. I love Kate for who she is, not because of what she can give me. And I value you as a friend, not because of your wealth or status."

Ava looked away, her expression softening slightly. "I'm sorry, Alex," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just...I don't know. I guess I wanted you to see me in a different way."

Alexander reached across the table and took her hand again, this time sensing a hint of vulnerability and sadness in her touch. "I see you, Ava. And I value you as a friend. That's never going to change."

Ava's frustration boiled over, and she couldn't
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