

Adrian frowned when he saw Kat enter. The woman pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed.

“Hi, how are you feeling?”

Adrian tried to smile even though it hurt. "Dizzy," he mumbled briefly. "Thanks for being here, Kat."

This time it was Kat's turn to smile bitterly. “I know I'm not the person you want to be here, but I want to be here, Adrian. I want to make sure you're okay. You know that I'm really worried about you, aren't you?”

Adrian took a deep breath. "Thank you, Kat. I—I think I'm fine.”

"Your leg is broken and in a cast." Kat glanced at Adrian's leg, which was in a large cast.

Adrian glanced in the same direction and sighed. "Well, yes, I guess I'll have to carry that cast around with me later."

"You're not going anywhere." Kat half smiled. "The doctor said you should use a wheelchair for a while until your leg heals."

That means Adrian will become an invalid human who depends on othe

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