
Chapter 129

Killian's POV


She screamed so loud my ears felt the need to bleed. I had the heavy urge to punch her to sleep again but that in itself wasn't time effective which meant I needed to design another device to make her shut up.

“You didn't have to scream so loud like you are that innocent.” I continued to drag her towards the center of the living area. The look on their faces, especially that on Melissa. She didn't look like she was happy to be seated in our midst. I rolled the roller chair out and placed it in the center, putting her before it and sitting on the chair.

“You don't need to cry now. Damage has been done.” I said while trying to catch my breath. Pulling her body across the room with my strength at its reserve phase, proved to definitely be a lot more difficult a job than I thought it would be.

“You pulled me by the fucking hair, down a polished wooden floor. Do the math why my skull hurts and I need to cry!” She screamed at me. Her voice cracked like that of the i
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