
Chapter 17

As the night deepened, the shadows cast by the moonlight danced across Estella’s house. Silent as a whisper, a dark figure slipped from a window and moved swiftly toward the forest. Ariston moved elegantly, his form barely a blur against the inky darkness. He made his way to a secluded glistening lake, its surface reflecting the silver of the moon.

Standing at the water’s edge, Ariston’s eyes turned from their deceptive blue to their true, feral red. He threw back his head and let out a howl- a sound both menacing and cold, a call that resonated through the forest, sending a shiver down the spine of any creature that heard it.

Within moments, a figure emerged from the shadows of the trees behind him. The man, Hyde, moved with the grace and silence of a predator. He approached Ariston and bowed deeply.

“My lord,” Hyde said, his voice filled with relief and reverence. “Finally, you called us. We have been looking for you everywhere since we lost you. Thankfully, you are fine.”

Ariston d
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