
The Quiet Giant's Mate -Chapter 11 - Ivan

I wondered if Amelia told André about her offer for us to take the old alpha suite. I wouldn’t put it past my little sister to do that. It’s also possible that André thought of the option on his own. It’s good that he’s my Alpha, and I can’t lash out at him. He is far too vocal and open with people about sex. Yes, I heard him mention climbing gear as an innuendo to us having sex.

I can’t help feeling like it’s going to go wrong. I should feel relieved that Regina said nothing has to happen and that she wants to spend more time with me. I should certainly be happy about the latter. And I am. I want to spend more time with her as well. She will want to be physical, or at least things wate to that, and when it comes time, she will do the same thing Zelma did.

Being turned down for sex by Zelma was a minor sting. Her rejecting me didn’t matter. She’s not my mate. Regina turning me down would be a heartbreaker for me. That will be my mate outright telling me we can’t be mates. Sex is part of the mating process, so if she’s unwilling or unable to be together, being together isn’t possible.

‘Stop thinking like that!’ Cain growled. ‘She is our mate. Stop underestimating her because of her size. She was made to be with us.’

‘You can be an optimist all you want. I’ll remain a pessimistic realist.’ I rolled my eyes as we left the ballroom.

I was surprised that Regina knew about Nicolao or his family. Though when I think about it, it makes sense. She’s sweet, so even if someone weren’t part of her pack, she would take the time to get to know people. I was supposed to be the Gamma of this pack and knew little about most families, especially the families of those who worked at the pack house.

I take responsibility for my share of that. I didn’t go out of my way to talk to people and get to know them. I am not a big talker. And when I would try to talk to people, I intimidated them with my size and gruff voice. Which honestly sums up my life. I’m too big, quiet, and generally too intimidating for people to find approachable. And when people don’t think of you as approachable, they avoid you, giving you a complex.

Which is another issue to consider with us being together. Regina expects me to be accepted in Incubi and be the Beta, the same as Stephen is Gamma here. Following traditional gender norms, the Beta, Gamma, and Delta who report to the Luna would be females and are seen as the heart of a pack. They are supposed to be the people a citizen can go to and feel at ease. I don’t foresee myself being that kind of person in Incubi.

I noted that we should discuss that as we entered the Alpha suite. It was weird to walk into the suite. I still remember how it looked when Ugo and Mirella called it home. I shuddered when I recalled walking into this room while Ignazio was ‘Alpha’ to see him and that witch defiling antiques that had been here for generations.

Seeing the room now was surreal. Everything was different. While I couldn’t fault André for making the changes he did, I was sad to see the heirlooms were gone. The heritage of my pack was erased because Ignazio defiled it in his twisted quest for power. Then again, who’s to say how much was left after Ignazio fell?

Many didn’t like him, so I wouldn’t put it past some people to have taken heirlooms or broken them and even burned others in spite. My family home was defaced so that it would make sense that they’d give similar treatment to any space associated with Ignazio. I shook away those dark thoughts as I tried to get comfortable having these necessary conversations with Regina.

My pulse raced when Regina helped remove the Furlan cufflinks, but it spiked even higher when she offered to help unbutton my shirt. I hadn’t planned to take my shirt off or unbutton even a few buttons. Though the buttons near the collar were restrictive, and I’d like to unbutton them, I knew my fat fingers would pop the buttons, and my sister and Alpha André put effort into getting this suit tailored for me.

‘I swear to Goddess if you tell her no…’ Cain growled.

“Ok.” Who would have thought such a tiny word could have such a big impact?

But it did. Regina’s smile lit up the sitting room better than the chandelier. It’s like I’d just told her the best news she’d heard. It was weird.

‘It’s not weird. She’s happy you want her to touch you. She’s happy she gets to touch you.’ Cain huffed in exasperation.

“Why don’t you sit? It’ll make it easier for me.” Regina suggested as she stepped aside and gestured to the sofa.

I cautiously eyed the pristine white sofa before I looked to see what kind of legs it had. I do not need to break the couch. At least, at first glance, it looked like it could hold. The legs were made of wood, so I held my breath as I carefully sat at the center, hoping to distribute my weight. I frowned when the couch squeaked, and my knees knocked into the walnut coffee table.

“Are you ok?” Regina asked as she hurried to move the coffee table.

“I’m fine. Don’t feel pain.” I assured her.

“As long as you’re sure.” She conceded as she climbed into my lap.

Of course, adding her weight didn’t seem to tip the scales. She’s a feather while I’m an elephant in comparison. It was oddly sensual. Ok, maybe it’s not so odd, as she maintained eye contact with me as she unbuttoned my dress shirt. I could feel the fabric almost sing in relief as it didn’t have to stretch around my neck. I’d expected her to stop after the first couple of buttons, but she kept going till I stopped her hands when she went for the fifth button.

“I’m sorry.” She apologized. “I just… I don’t know. We won’t sleep in our party clothes if we stay here tonight.”

‘She has a good point.’ Cain smiled. He’s all for getting naked because we can mate and mark tonight.

“I see your point, but I’m ok.” I sighed. “And you don’t need to apologize.”

“I feel like I should. Like I’m putting you into a situation you’re uncomfortable in. And I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” She frowned as she unconsciously toyed with the fabric of the shirt.

“I don’t even fully understand your apprehension. And I want to. I want to understand and know everything about you.” She sighed.

“Are you ashamed of your body? Do you have some lingering hang up for your ex? Like you would compare being with me to her?” Regina asked, and I furrowed my brow.

Her lips parted again, ready to continue her rant of questions, but I pressed my finger to her lips. I slowly shook my head. She is completely wrong about this; I cannot let it continue.

“No,” I stated.

‘You need to say MORE!’ Cain rolled his eyes.

“I am not ashamed of my body. I have zero lingering anything for Zelma. There is no comparison as I was never with her. At least not how you think.” I assured her.

“What does that mean?” Regina’s brow furrowed, and as she cocked her head, strands of her brown hair fell out of the updo her hair was in.

I sighed, dreading having this conversation, but I could not escape it. Regina won’t understand till I tell her. So I have to push through and get it over with. Like ripping the Band-Aid off, it’s always best to get it over with.

“Do you think I had sex with her?” I asked as I carefully started to remove the hairpins from her hair.

“Well… I.” She blushed.

“Yes, I assumed you had. I’m not sure how long you were together before the war, and, I mean, no offense to Zelma, but she came off as the type to sleep with someone that’s not her mate.” She shrugged.

“Opinions of her aside. We never did.” I shrugged, taking out the last pin to make her hair free to fall past her shoulders.

“Never? Not to say I don’t believe you or am not relieved. But… goddess, I don’t know if I want to know the answer… but why not?” Regina asked, eyes wide in surprise.

“Like I said. I’m a giant.” I shrugged.

“You are going to need to give me more than that. Or oh… you mean…” Her eyes glanced between us.

I’m thankful the pants aren’t too tight, and she was hovering over my lap when she unbuttoned my shirt. Probably the only reason she didn’t feel anything when we were kissing at the ball is that I kept her slightly off my lap and sheer willpower. Not an easy thing to accomplish.

A smile spread across her lips. Cain perked up at her smile while I became worried. There was mischief in her eyes. I’ve not spent much time around her other siblings, but I have seen that look in Alexander’s eyes usually before he’d disappear from an event with a female.

“Regina…” I started to question as she trailed her hand down my chest. “What are you…” I had my answer as her hand found my length after having to move the excess fabric of her dress that previously hid my lap.

Her eyes went wide as she ran her hand over my dick as if she was petting an animal. I clench my jaw.

“You should stop.” I half growled as she innocently, or maybe not innocently, continued inspecting me through my clothes.

“Sorry… I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Regina apologized as she quickly pulled her hand back.

“You didn’t make him uncomfortable.” Cain pushed forward. “You turned him on, and that scares him.”

‘Will you shut the fuck up!?’ I growled as I tried to yank him back.

‘No! You lost your chance. You’ve made her feel like she needed to apologize TWICE. I’m in charge of talking now.’ Cain snorted.

“I see. You must be Cain.” Regina nodded, stroking my cheek, which had Cain’s tail wagging.

“Would you do me a favor?” She asked as she leaned closer.

“Anything for you, golden pixie.” Cain was eager to please as her lips were millimeters from mine.

“Give Ivan back control.” She ordered as she pulled back without kissing me.

I snickered as Cain frowned but retreated, giving me control back.

“I told you I know how to handle unruly wolves.” Regina smiled victoriously.

“Ivan, I don’t know or care what issues or hangups your ex had. I’m sorry if she made you feel inadequate or too much.” She sighed, cupping my face.

“And I won’t lie. Your size is a little intimidating.” She admitted as she settled on my lap fully.

I clenched my jaw again as she wiggled, getting ‘comfortable,’ as it were, in my lap. She did that on purpose, rubbing herself against me like that, making my dick fight my control, eager to put her to the test.

“However…” She mmmed softly as she wiggled again.

“I don’t get scared easily, and I never back down. I want to be with you, Ivan, in every way.” She said with conviction as she looked into my eyes. “But only if you want to be with me. So do you want to be with me?”


Oh, Ivan, and your body image issues. You may say you aren't ashamed, but you are in a way. Let Regina prove to you everything bad you believed about yourself is wrong.

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Comments (12)
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
Damn the images u placed in my head about Ivan’s dick is scary and also a turn on. Don’t tell my boyfriend I said that LOL ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
Actually, she wasn’t his chosen she is fated mate by the goddess just saying
goodnovel comment avatar
CollyB, you've got a very vivid memory. Thanks for the refresher!

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