
Chapter 5


"You're really Louis Lindgren?" My eyes widen.

He nods. "Yes, I'm the first son. It seems you know about my family name."

"Of course. I've known about it since..."

I trail off, not wanting to mention that I've known about the Lindgren business rivalry with the Partridges since I was married to Nathan.

Thinking of something quickly, I force a smile.

"Uh.. I've seen the name in so many business articles. I've also seen your father a few times. Now I see the resemblance. I was wondering where I've seen you before."

I know I'm not being completely honest with him, but I don't yet feel like talking about the period of my life that involves Nathan. Maybe I never will. It still hurts me.

To shut him out, I switch conversations and say, "I thought you said you would only show me who you are, not tell me."

He chuckles. "At this point, you're already on this private jet with me so I'm already showing you. Besides, we're almost there."

When the private jet touches down at the airport, we descend from the airstairs together and there are so many bodyguards on sight dressed in black suits and black shades. They're spread out all over the area as they communicate through ear pieces.

"I'm curious. What do you think?" He looks down at me.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think of all this?" He gestures around with his hands.

"You mean the bodyguards?" There are so many of them surrounding us that I assume that's what he's talking about.

He chuckles. "No, I meant the airport. Tell me what you think of it."

"Oh... it's great."

"Then I guess I have great taste."

"It's yours?"

"Of course."

As I look ahead, I begin to pay more attention to the surroundings, but once again, there's too much security around us.

Once we get to the limousine, the chauffeur opens the door to the backseat for us but Louis walks ahead of me and instructs the chauffeur to return to his seat.

Then, he holds the door open for me, his pearly whites on full display.

"Your ride awaits," he says.

I can't help but chuckle softly at his gesture. What a gentleman he's been so far.

When he takes me to his home, it's a mansion just as grand as anything owned by the Partridge family.

He even takes me to several businesses he owns, all by private jet, which still doesn't surprise me and it's all because of that black card.

A few hours have gone by since I found out who Louis is but his family name still pulls my heartstrings when I think about the rivalry with the Partridge family.

But no matter how I feel about it, it's time to be out in the world and do everything I want.



It's been over three years now since the divorce and it should've marked my new beginning filled with brighter days but on the contrary, things didn't work out the way I hoped.

This whole time, clashing with my siblings has only gotten worse and we rarely see eye to eye. The three of us don't even speak to each other unless there's a board meeting or something.

The few times we run into each other is when we end up going to our parents' gravesites at the same time. Their deaths still greatly affect me until this day. It's because I had a heartwarming conversation with both of them right before they got on that jet.

This whole time, I've also kept two toys with me. One is blue and the other is pink. I've never forgotten about the miscarriage. The more time has passed, the more I've imagined myself in Layla's shoes. If this can leave me feeling this sorrowful, how was it for her back then?

I haven't heard anything about her since the divorce was finalized and it's been years since I contacted her mother. She didn't care about her own daughter.

Apart from not hearing Layla's voice for three years, I haven't even seen recent pictures of her. It's almost like she's disappeared on the face of the earth.

I also haven't reached out to Pamela to find out from her where Layla is. I just felt like I should forget it all. However, it's not been easy. Maybe it's because of how I now feel about the miscarriage.

With all this going on around me, I don't even feel the same type of thrill I felt three years ago when Miranda and I were going strong. I thought those flames would last but my stress was much stronger and eventually, it put those flames out.

The two of us are still together but it's just not the same. It's not even because she's no longer attractive. She still is and has always been. The problem is that I just don't feel that spark anymore.

Lately, I even ask myself where it all went wrong with her. Everything seemed fine between us while I was waiting for Layla to sign the divorce papers.

As I sit here in my office, there's so much paperwork that I decide to take a break.

Just then, James, my best friend, comes into my office. He runs the legal department.

"Need a coffee?" He gestures with his hand, extending it towards me and waving the cup.

"Thanks." I lazily reach for it, then drink it all at once.

"Whoa, you might want to slow down there."

"Like that's actually going to make a difference." I slam the cup on my desk. "I think I figured out what exactly I need to do to stop feeling this way."

"I've heard this so many times in the past three years." James takes a seat and crosses his legs, his expression inquisitive. "What haven't you done to make yourself feel better, hmm?"

"I haven't changed places."

He scoffs. "Like that's actually going to happen."

I blankly stare at him for a while and just then, he takes me seriously.

"Wait, you're serious about this?" He leans forward.

"Yes. I've been thinking about it for a long time now. I'm thinking of going to New York." I lean back in my seat and let it swing lightly as I face the ceiling.

"But if you leave, what about this company?"

"It's not like I can't leave people to run it. I've done it several times before."

"And what will you do in New York?"

"I'll get my hands on a company that needs my expertise."

"Wait, you mean one of those run down businesses? I know how much you want to keep yourself occupied but come on, don't do this."

"I can build up any run down company and make it glorious once again. You know this pretty well."

"Yeah, I know that, but-"

"I want you to come with me."

"When do we leave?"

I chuckle at his sudden change in attitude. "That was quick."

"Wherever you go, I go. So tell me what exactly we're doing."

"There's a company I've been looking at and I'll need your opinion on it."

"Cool. Hey, will Miranda be coming, too?"

"She'll obviously want to come with me."

"I hope you're not doing this to get away from her."

"You know that's impossible. She'll always follow me wherever I go."

"Whatever you say."


After leaving the office, I drive to the salon to pick up Miranda and she looks glamorous, but not even that excites me.

As she rushes to me by hurrying down the stairs, her bouncy hair frames her face but I'm not even blown away by the sight of it.

"Hey, babe." She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me on the lips. "What do you think?" She points at her hair.

"You look beautiful, as always." I wrap my arm around her waist with little effort as I open the car door for her. "I've made reservations at the restaurant for dinner."

"That's perfect because I'm starving."

As I drive to the restaurant, I turn on the radio just to fill the silence between us. There's a feeling that's been growing stronger, at least on my part. It's the type of tension that remains unspoken but I'm sure she feels it, too.

It's probably because until now, I've been unable to make her my wife.

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