
Chapter 6


After years of hard work and dedication in my studies, I finally graduated.

This whole time, Louis has been there for me and on several occasions, he's confessed his feelings for me. but I just couldn't reciprocate.

What I went through with Nathan left me deeply scarred.

Every year, I've found myself feeling sorrowful on the day I had the miscarriage and what happened afterwards. I thought I was completely past it but each anniversary has made me feel almost the same.

This year’s anniversary is coming up soon and I'm hoping it'll be different. It's because I won't let it get to me.

This is the reason I've been hesitant this whole time to give Louis a chance but after so long, I feel I'm ready.

I also focused on getting a job right here in New York and finally, I got hired at Tech-Beet. I'm working in the finance department.

Louis hasn't been too happy about it because he's been offering to give me a job at one of his companies, but I don't want to work for someone close to me in my personal life.

It's only been a week since I started working at Tech-Beet and today, on a Friday, there's an important meeting that all staff members need to attend.

I only found out later and now have to rush to the hall before the CEO walks to that stage and begins his announcements.

These meetings are usually just behind closed doors with top management or heads of department but this time, things are different. The fact that they need everyone present says a lot.

Quickly, I fix my dress and check my face in my small mirror. My hair's still perfectly brushed.

I rush to the hall and my heels are too loud so I have to slow down.

As soon as I open the door, everyone looks in my direction and I'm so uncomfortable as I walk in. They all can't stop looking at me.

I'm only familiar with those from the finance department but given the crowd that's here, it would be awkward of me to start looking around until I spot them.

Luckily, Trish raises her hand and waves at me. I even spot Dave with her. Relieved, I walk over to them but it takes a while. I have to go up the stairs to get to where they are.

The whole time, I feel so many eyes on me. It's been this way since I arrived and I never feel comfortable enough to let it slide.

Thankfully, the CEO walks in and everyone rises to their feet, giving me some relief and now I walk with ease to my seat.

After he takes the stage, he tells everyone to take their seats and at the same time, I get to mine.

The room then goes completely silent as he begins to speak.

"Good afternoon to you all. Welcome to this important meeting. You're obviously wondering why I emphasized that everyone should be present. This is the most important announcement I'll ever make in front of you. I regret to inform you that there'll be a change of ownership."

The place instantly erupts into distinct chatter and my heart begins racing as I make eye contact with Trish and Dave. I already know that this is terrible news.

And then the CEO grabs our attention again.

"Please calm down and allow me to proceed. Of late, our company has experienced devastating financial challenges and we came to the decision to sell the company this morning. You're probably wondering what this will mean for you."

Just like everyone else, I nod, my heart pounding so hard that I can hear it in my ears.

"I'm afraid I can't give a definite answer on that. However, keep in mind that with change of ownership comes change of management styles. Some of you might keep your jobs, others might not. It'll all be up to the new management."

That just sends everyone into a mode of panic and it becomes so chaotic that even when he requests that everyone stop talking, it just doesn't happen.

I look around and tremble as I think about my future here. I've only just started, which means I'm more likely to lose my job compared to everyone else and that scares me. I've worked so hard to get here.

When the CEO can't speak any further, he leaves the stage under the protection of his bodyguards.

The overlapping complaints only get worse from there and don't make me think clearly.

There's also Trish, who can't stop talking about all the reasons why I most likely will lose my job and I'm aware of all of it.

I can't take it anymore so I join the other staff members leaving in frustration. I need to be alone and think clearly.

I even exit the building just so I can take a few deep breaths.

I sit on the bench and feel like I need to talk to Louis, so I give him a call and explain everything to him.

"That's awful but you know what? Maybe this is a good thing." He sounds positive.

"How could this be fine? I'm about to lose this job."

"Exactly! That way, you can work for me."

I sigh deeply as I shake my head. He never stops bringing this up.

"Louis, we talked about this." I'm in disbelief, but smile when I think about what I'm about to say to him at any moment.

"I know, but come on, Layla. Just think about it."

"Please try to understand. Even if I lose this job, I don't see myself working for my boyfriend."

He sighs in defeat. "Alright but always remember this- wait, what did you just say?"

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