
Chapter 71

Beth stood in the middle of the road, frozen. Apprehension slowly dripped down her spine like a melting icicle. Pain was an ever present companion, licking at the bottom of her belly. A wind blew, bringing with it something that scared her more than everything else...

The chilling sense of acceptance.

Acceptance of the horror that was to come.

The truck was approaching quickly, dragging behind it the awful chugs of a shrilling wind. A zing assaulted her eardrums.

The skies greyed.

Storms billowed.

At the center of it all was Elizabeth, completely and utterly frozen. She was the brutally tortured character, sentenced to live through a misery spun, sadness inspired tale. She could see it all... Hear it all, feel it all... But she remained unable to react.

Her mother's horrified face flashed before her eyes then. Pleading. Then came the terrified face of her father. He shook his head.

She smiled wearily. It was for the best.

He opened his mouth.

"ELIZABETH!" He yelled, but it was
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