
A Morning Of Unexpected Consequences

The scent of frying bacon and onions, a symphony of salty savory bliss drifted up the stairs, pulling Julie from the depths of her chaotic bedroom. Her wallet lay open on the floor, a testament to her fleet trip to the Tech conference, its contents scattered like the thoughts in her head.

The conference had been a blur of addresses, networking, and the unanticipated and exhilarating time with Den Neumann now A billionaire CEO, a man she had not seen in five years, now a Goliath in the tech world yet still, in some inexplainable way, the same boy she had fallen for all those times agone .

She had spent the night with him, a night she swore she wouldn't remember, the night she swore wouldn't let consume her. But it had, with a dizzying intensity that left her both intoxicated and alarmed. The guilt, the shame, the fear of what her family, especially her mother, would think, were feelings that threatened to drown her in their grim swells.

Julie ran her fingers through her hair, trying to constrain the unruly strands, a reflection of the fermentation within. She glanced at the wall clock, realizing she had slept but little.

From downward, the sound of her father's booming voice filtered through the floorboards.

"Remember the old days, when people had a handshake and a word was their bond? No fancy contracts, no legalese, just trust and a strong handshake. That is how things were done back then." He said.

Julie smiled. Her father, Mr. Garfield, a retired entrepreneur, still lived in the past, a defunct period of handshakes and gentlemen's agreements. He loved to memorize about his days at the helm of his successful garment company, a company that had since fallen victim to the grim drift of globalization.

"Those were the days, woman." he continued, his voice laced with nostalgia. "When a man's word meant something, when a deal was a deal, and you could trust everyone involved. Now? It's all about contracts, loopholes, and suits. It's a jungle out there, I tell you."

She giggled slightly, picturing her father, a man built like a bear with a booming voice and a heart of gold, sitting in the living room, girdled by the vestiges of his past success. He was a relic from a different time, a time before the internet, before the rise of tech titans like Den Neumann.

"Julie." her mother called out from downward, her voice warm and inviting. "Breakfast is ready. Come down, dear."

Julie reached for her phone, its screen illuminated with a shower of messages, some from friends, some from work. But one in particular caught her eye, a communication from Den, a simple "Good morning." It transferred a shiver down her spine. What was he doing?

She shoved the phone back into her pocket and rushed down the stairs, the scent of bacon pulling her near. Her mother, Mrs. Garfield, a woman with a gentle smile and eyes that held a mischievous spark, was there in the kitchen with a warm smile chatting her husband.

"Good morning, darling." she said, her voice filled with warmth. "Did you sleep well?"

“Fine.” Julie grunted, placing a nervous smile on her face, her eyes zipping around. "Morning, Dad."

"Morning, Julie." her father said, his eyes fused to the business section of the newspaper. "You know, I was just reading about this new tech company, something about artificial intelligence and all that. supposedly, they are revolutionizing the world."

Julie suppressed a shiver. Den's company."Oh, that is intriguing." she said, hoping to steer the discussion down from the subject of technology. "What is on the menu, mom?"

"Bacon and eggs, darling." her mom replied, turning to her with a smile. "Your favorite."

"Sounds succulent." Julie's eyes danced around the room, searching for her bag. Where was it? She was sure she had brought it in last night.

"Did you see my bag anywhere, mom?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of fear.

Her mother turned away, her hand reaching for the spatula. "I did not see it, honey. You must have left it when you went out yesterday." She said.

"But I brought it in with me." Julie claimed, her voice rising. "It should be on the table right now."

"Oh, Julie." her mother chortled. "Mothers do not lie, you know." Her voice was unconcerned, but Julie felt a knot of anxiety tensing in her stomach. Her credit cards, her debit cards, her ID, they were all in that purse. However, she would have to cancel everything, If it was gone.

Just then,, the doorbell chimed, a treble pertinacious chime that cut through the morning serenity.

"Oh, someone's at the door." Mrs. Garfield said, her voice laced with a touch of annoyance. "You answer it, Julie. It might be the delivery for your new laptop.”

Julie dithered, her heart forging in her chest. She had a bad feeling about this.

“I am sure it's nothing." she grunted, her eyes zipping to the stairs, her heart prompting her to run back to her room.

The doorbell chimed again, this time with a more pertinacious and nearly demanding tone.

"Just answer it, Julie." her father said, his voice gruff. "I am trying to read here."

Julie sluggishly walked towards the front door, her hand pulsing as she reached for the handle. She glanced back at her parents, their backs were turned to her, lost in their own business, unconscious to the fermentation swirling inside her.

She opened the door, bracing herself for whatever awaited her. But the sight that saluted her transferred a surge of cold dread washing over her. There, standing on the veranda with a triumphant smile gracing his lips, stood Den Neumann.

"Den?" she breathed, her voice slightly audible.

Den held up a familiar brown leather bag, the one she had been searching for.

"You left this behind this morning." he said, his voice warm and husky.

Relief swamped her, but it was quickly replaced by a swell of apprehension. What was he doing then? How did he find her?

Julie snatched the bag from him, her fingers shaking as she closed the door, locking it with a resounding click. She turned back to her parents, forcing a smile to her lips.

“It was just a delivery for my new laptop." she said, her voice strained.

Just then, the doorbell chimed again. This time, it was a grim, pertinacious chime that sounded nearly demanding.

"Julie, answer that." her father barked, his tolerance wearing thin. "Are they trying to evade the door or something?"

Julie felt trapped, her heart pounding in her chest. She could not tell them about Den. Not yet. Not now.

"It"s nothing, Dad." she said, her voice shaking. "Just a neighbor or something....x

Mrs Garfield, seeing her daughter'" torture walked towards the door.

"I will get it." she said, her voice establishment.

Julie held her breath, her eyes fixed on her mother's back, a surge of dread washing over her. This was not a neighbor, it was not a delivery. It was Den. And her mother was about to open the door to the man who had broken her heart, the man who had made her scared, the man who had turned her world upside down.

As Mrs. Garfield opened the door, her smile faded replaced by a look of stupefied unbelief.

"YOU...." she heaved , her voice filled with a raw uncontrolled fury that transferred chills down Julie's spine...

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