

“Join me for dinner” Ian said after a moment, his gaze held mine.

I bit my bottom lip shaking my head as pleasure warmed my belly, it made me heady “I just ate”

He doesn’t even move “Then you can watch me eat”

“That’s not creepy or anything” I complained but I was smiling, his eyes dropped to my lips. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear suddenly feeling quite shy and light, I worried I might float into the clouds.

He had this way about him, I was both bold and shy in his presence. Contradicting, I know but that was my new reality. I inches to the side and closer to the door “I really have to work on my paper”

“I’m certain you’ve been working so hard you should rest, take some time off” he turns me around by his hands on my shoulders, leading us back into the room and away from the door where I planned on making my escape.

He pulls out a chair and I sit without much prompting. his hands dropped to my shoulders. “Let’s discuss last weekend while I was away”

I looked at him ov
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