
A gentle reminder

“I am not trying to seduce you!” I screamed before he said anything. I hid myself behind a trail of clothes and couched, hoping he wouldn’t pick. “I left my towel here and had nothing to wear out, I called your name for help but got no reply so I thought you had left. I am not trying to seduce you, I don’t even want you.” I rapped in embarrassment. “What are you doing here?”

He threw the towel at me and said nothing, I managed to catch a bit of annoyance and disgust in his eyes before he stormed out of the closet without paying attention to me.

“Wear the clothes I picked out. We have somewhere to be.” He commanded, his back turned to me before he slammed the door.

I couldn’t stand up for the first few minutes, I had succeeded in embarrassing myself in front of Alexandro King like I had not made enough fool of myself last night.

I sat in front of the mirror and oiled my skin before turning to see the dress he had picked. It was a beautiful jumpsuit that was classy as well as fun, I wondered if to let my hair down or pack it up but finally decided it would be better down.

My hands wouldn’t stop trembling, so I didn’t bother with makeup, I only used powder and applied lip gloss. Luckily for me, my hair was still glowing, and my nails were beautiful enough to make me effortlessly chic.

 I got out of the room to find Alexandro King waiting for me, he was already dressed before I woke up so I was the only one with embarrassing moments.

“Let’s go.” He commanded, not waiting for me before he walked out the door.

I increased my pace so as not to make it seem I was scurrying after him.

I was expecting a stop by the restaurant for breakfast, but when Alexandro headed towards the lobby, I asked curiously.

“Where would we have breakfast?” I was but hungry, I hadn’t eaten much last night, I wanted to look perfect in my dress and I had gotten back home too late to order room service. I was too drunk to arrange something for myself too.

“I’m not hungry.” He replied harshly. The harshness wasn’t necessary, but it was enough to tell me, no breakfast for any of us this morning.

He opened the car with the control in his hand even before we got to it, I didn’t expect him to open the door for me as he seemed mad at me, even if I still didn’t know why. But as I opened the door, I looked up to see him coming towards the door, he stopped and went to the driver’s seat when he saw that I had opened it myself.

How was I supposed to know he would still play nice husband when he spoke harshly to my inside and deprived me of breakfast?   

“Where are we going?” I asked. We were settling in the car, and the car started to live as I spoke, drowning my voice in the noise.

I wasn’t sure if he heard me or not but he didn’t look at me, I felt bad and slightly hurt, so I picked up my phone and turned towards the window.

Lucky me, I had a means of escape. My lovers and followers.

There was a big load of comments waiting for me. Everyone was dying to know what caused our first fight. I got comments on how handsome Alexandro King was. The ladies were angry I let such a handsome man get mad, while the men wanted to see the rest of my nightie.

Someone posted a video, I opened it out of curiosity. It was of Alexandro and I this morning, when I opened the door myself, making Alexandro turn back in anger.

Many comments came in immediately, begging me to forgive him and let things slide. Some people advised us not to let whatever happened to get the best of our honeymoon.

Easier said than done, besides, they didn’t know that Alexandro was the one angry here. He called the shots.

I reminded myself once again, that I was just a pawn in his came, nothing changed just because I had an orgasm under his hands, and nothing would change even if we had gone all the way.

I had to hold on to myself, I wouldn’t let Alexandro King break me. I was all I had.

I gasped in surprise when I began to recognize the environment that we were in.

This was the way to the hospital. I wanted to look at him, to question him where we were going, but I didn’t dare. What if he was playing mind games with me, reminding me who called the shots?

My heart began to beat faster when we entered the hospital's garage. He had a special parking spot everywhere. He owned this place too.

I said nothing, didn’t ask what we were doing here, or begged if he would finally let him see my dad.

I opened the door myself and highlighted, but I didn’t move until he locked the door and walked in front, then I walked behind him.

I tried to control my pace, not to run in front of him, or to run to where I knew my father was. The temptation was great, but I willed my legs under control, I had to be strong if I wanted my dad and I to come out of this whole.

In the past, whenever I came to see my dad, I had to either hire someone or clean my dad myself, the nurses never washed his sheets and it was always dirty and stinking, drip stains on the bed smelled sour and I would spend hours cleaning the room up. He always had bed sores whenever I stayed long before coming because there would be no one else to help me move him to his side.

Tears dropped from my eyes when I saw my dad today. I didn’t care if Alexandro would go as far as whipping me, but if submission out of me. I would obey him anytime even if this was all I would get out of it.

“Can… Can I be alone with him, just for a minute?” I stammered. I didn’t want to break down in front of Alexandro King. I didn’t want him to see how weak I was. I wanted to be the strong and brave woman in charge of her marriage that my followers thought that I was.

“No, you cannot. This isn’t a visitation, I just felt like you needed a reminder, of what our marriage is, or who you are, who you were. You should know what I saved you from.”

“What did I do wrong?” I sniffed, trying my best to swallow my tears. This was a punishment for a crime I hadn’t even been aware of.

“You decided without consulting me. Not just with anyone, but with those people. Are you stupid? Did you fall for Nina's smile and fragility? What do you think made her the oldest person in that building, still rich and alive and very much in the game?” He snarled.

“It’s her brutality, she would put a gun to your head and turn back with a smile on her face. You would not mess things up for me, Emily. Never.”

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