
Mission unaccomplished

“I wouldn’t have guessed you would be such a great social media person.” He said to me. We slept on the bed, facing each other. I couldn’t sleep and he didn’t either. It was not my choice to face him, I would rather turn my back to him, maybe I would have a better chance of sleeping but he wouldn’t have it any other way.              

“There are many things I didn’t think I could do either,” I replied, ignoring him would be of no help. Things like letting him touch me, or even dreaming about him. “I’m discovering myself.” I smiled.

He watched me quietly but said nothing, then finally, he commanded, “Sleep.”

The words seemed backed up by a spell because I slept off immediately.

The nights were when I was most happy that I met Alexandro King. I didn’t have to sleep all couched on someone’s couch or be scared of anything.

I loved the bed too.

When I woke up, my husband was sitting up on the chair closest to the bed. It seemed like he had been waiting for me to wake up.

“Is there anything you wanted to tell me?” He asked, his face contorted with anger. This man has a great mood swing issue, most of it was because he was an overthinker.

“No, there isn’t,” I replied smoothly, I wasn’t hiding anything from him. I didn’t even have anything to hide, everything I had were the things he had given me.

I slipped off the bed in one slide with the intention of going to take a bath, I might avoid drinking for the main time, and it made me dizzy.

“What did I say about asking me before making a big desc-,” He couldn’t finish the words as my feet touched the floor and I was confused for a second before I remembered what I was wearing.

An extremely short and sexy red gown, the kind that was worn with the aim of seduction.

“I didn’t make any big decision.” I squirmed, wishing I could disappear into the bathroom right now.

His gaze moved from angry to hot. The heat of his expression was consuming, sending waves of arousal along my veins and waking the butterflies in my stomach.

“Are you trying to seduce me?” He asked, “You want me to finish what we started last night.” He questioned as he took a step towards me.

“No.” I took a step backward and ran into the bathroom. Sleeping in the same room with Xandro had to be a bad idea.

I flipped off my nightie and got into the tub.

I loved the tub. I think the warm water had a massaging effect, I felt as free as a baby every time I took a bath. I could spend hours in here, except that I couldn’t today. Alexandro was outside, waiting for me, to continue his talk on my making decisions without asking him. If I could make decisions myself, the first I would make is to ask Baxter to take me to my dad.

I wanted to see him, to see how he was doing, who knows, he could be getting better already.

It would be irresponsible to stay in the tub for more than 20 minutes, I rinsed myself off and stretched for my towel, only to realize that I had not carried it.


I couldn’t come out naked, that was out of the question. I could call Alexandro and ask him to help me pass the towel, but what are the odds that he would volunteer his assistance? Even if an angel was to touch him to help me, how do I call him?



Mr. King?


Or God forbid, Xandro?

This was getting eery.

How about I just stay here until he gets tired of waiting and leaves or comes to knock on the door?

After what seemed like an eternity, I was given no choice but to call for him, “Alexandro.” I whispered at first, trying the name on my tongue just to hear how it sounded rolling off my tongue.

I got no reply, I doubted if he heard.

“Alexandro,” I called again, this time, a bit louder, but I got no response.

“Alexandro?” I called the third time, but silence greeted me.

I’ll keep in mind to go everywhere with my phone. This must not happen again.

I paced around the bathroom for minutes, what if Alexandro was baiting me and wanted me out so he could…. Could what?

He didn’t know if I had a towel here or not.

Okay. It was time to take the bull by the horns, I was getting hungry and I needed to talk to Alexandro about a few things. I opened the door and peeked out. No one was in sight and I couldn’t tell if he was somewhere else, what if he was in the closet, or he was just standing beside the fridge or somewhere out of my sight? I wasn’t ready to be seen naked while sober.

I still haven’t gotten over last night, I couldn’t add extra nudity when I had seen none of his.

“Alexandro,” I called again, he should hear me if he was in the room, but everywhere was silent and I didn’t hear a pin drop or any kind of movement. I mentally swore not to forgive him if I later saw that he was in the house but chose not to respond to my call.

I was still dripping water and I didn’t want to wet the floor but now was the only time I had to sneak to the closet, who knew when Alexandro would return? He wouldn’t knock either.

Just before I took the first step outside the room, I sighted my phone.

My options had just been upgraded, should I get my phone first? Or go into the closet first?

This whole scene might have been avoided if I had my phone with me right now, but wouldn’t it be better to go to the closet to get something to wear to pick up the phone first?

What if Alexandro returned while I was trying to pick up the phone?

No, getting clothes would be best. I tiptoed carefully to the closet, smiling to myself, it wasn’t like anyone could hear me. Why was I walking carefully?

I opened the closet door and jumped in, giving a deep sigh of a mission accomplished but I only looked up to see another pair of eyes and opened lips looking at me in utter shock as he held a dress in his hands.



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