

Liana’s POV

I blinked my eyes a couple of times because it felt like something electrifying was rushing through my cheeks. I held my cheeks tightly, still trying to wrap my head around what in the world just happened right now.

The gasp in the room echoed through the air and slowly, it began to dawn on me that I had been hit fiercely on the cheek, Kayla had slapped me!

My eyes widened, turning to look at the woman who had just hit me. “Did you just slap me?” My voice quavered as I stared at her in nothing but utter disbelief.

Conan roared. “Kayla, what the hell did you just do” I heard his footsteps approaching me and Conan had hardly gotten to where I was when Kayla gripped me by the neck with her eyes blazing with fire and an evil smirk that crept at the corner of my lips.

“I have been nothing but nice towards you but all you have ever done was repay my niceness with evil because I didn't want any harm to come to you, I told you to divorce Conan but because you didn't want to divo
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