
What happened to me?


I slowly opened my eyes, only to close it back because of the light coming in from the window.

Since when did my bed face the window?

I slowly opened my eyes to look at the strange curtains. I had to squint to be certain my eyes weren't deceiving me.

Sure enough, I'm not in my room, but in my husband's. There is no way I could have mistaken those odd curtains of his.

What am I doing in his room? I wondered aloud as I stared at his window.

I tried to rise from the bed, only to fall back. My entire body hurts, and it felt as if I was hit with a metal. The headache was more than I can explain.

I tried to sit up once more, but a searing pain from my lower body, caused me to groan.

“God,” I fell back on the bed. There was a pain in my lower back. It seemed like I had a boxing match with one of those muscled men in movies. Turning my head seemed like a hassle on its own.

“Are you awake?” Miguel asked as he approached my bed. His footsteps were what I heard before he made an appea
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