
What's wrong?

The music was blasting when I came into the party. The entire place was crowded with people, but my eyes scanned for Day. He's not in the VIP section, where he usually stays.

Baddy isn't here. She was the second person I checked for after Day. However, when I didn't see any of them, I strode over to the bar.

The desserts on the table weren't that appealing. I doubt I would have felt the same had Baddy been here with me. She has a way of making me feel good.

“Hi,” the bartender smiled at me when he saw me. “What do you want this fine evening?”

He's dressed in a blue shirt and black slacks —same with the other waiters.

“A glass of water,” I replied, not in the mood to have anything else.

He looked shocked by my order, but he didn't voice it. He just smiled before he went over to get the glass I requested for.

I tapped my fingers to the beat of the music coming from the speaker. I nodded my head as I glanced around once more.

“Here you go.” He placed the glass of water in front of m
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