
Chapter 9

Lily paced around her work desk anxiously as she waited for her boss. It was officially her first day as his secretary so she was waiting for him to arrive and give her orders.

He had told her earlier to receive instructions from Jane, his personal assistant but on arrival this morning Lily learnt from Jane that the boss had changed his mind and wanted to give the orders himself.

Lily glanced at the clock, it was almost 8. At intervals, she mindlessly adjusted her blouse or her skirt and made sure her hair was still tightly tucked in a bun.

She had just sat down when she heard footsteps pass by her door. Anxious, she stood up again immediately. She listened closely as his door unlocked with a low beep shutting quietly behind him.

He’s around. She thought. HE’S AROUND!! She was so nervous that she felt her palms get sweaty as she thought of what to do. There was paperwork jane had given her to ask for instructions from the boss, grabbing them, she made way to the door.

Immediately she stepped out of her office, she bumped hard into someone, her papers flying everywhere. Shit! She swore under her breath as she realized it was her boss.

“I’m so sorry “, she gushed out, clumsily picking up the papers.

He gave a soft laugh as he knelt down to help her gather the documents,” it’s alright “

They both picked the papers up silently , their hands brushing slightly as they both reached out for the last paper.

Lily felt a spark and she immediately withdrew her hand as they both stood up. Their eyes locked for a brief moment before he cleared his throat and said,” I was coming to ask if you had gotten the papers from Jane but I see you have.”

“Yes sir”, Lily replied, avoiding eye contact.

“ Alright. Let’s head over to my office “, he gestured over to his door and she walked in front of him.

Lily sat opposite Ryder as he explained everything she was going to carry out with the paper work, careful to avoid eye contact.

After a moment the atmosphere seemed to change. Lily wondered if he was thinking about their one night stand as she was. Their discussion was stil professional but they could both feel the underlying tension.

Lily started feeling hot. She wished utmostly that she could unbutton her blouse but she didn’t want him to think she was trying to draw attention to herself.

Maybe he was hot too as he stood up to remove his suit and hang it behind his chair. It was only then Lily realized that she had been holding her breath. She let out a low breath as he retook his seat.

Finally the meeting was coming to an end with the final document in Ryder’s hand. He stretched out his hand to give Lily and their fingers brushed again. This time the both felt the spark and looked away from each other immediately.

Lily stood up,” Um- I should start right away “

Ryder cleared his throat and stood up too, “ Yes. I should shut the door behind you.”

He followed her to the door and they both fell silent when he opened the door for her. Their eyes fell on a very large bouquet of roses right in front of Lily’s office door.

Lily swallowed. Who could’ve sent her roses on her first day at work. No one except Ash knew where she worked. It was probably a mistake.

Worse, she couldn’t stand the awkward silence between her and Ryder. She wondered what he was thinking,” I’ll report to you when I’m done sir.”

Without another word, Ryder shut the door behind her.

He wanted to turn back, he should’ve said something. He didn’t want to seem like a jealous boss. Why would he be jealous even? He didn’t love her. They weren’t dating. Who sent her flowers???

He tried to sit but he was restless. He didn’t think before he raced to his door and opened it . There she was, her hand in a fist ready to knock.

The day couldn’t get any more uncomfortable for Lily,” Sorry sir , you added a personal document with the papers”, she said, handing them out to him.

“Of course “, Ryder tried to act normal ,” It was exactly what I was coming to you for.”

“Alright”, she said turning to leave.

Ryder noticed that the flowers were no longer in front of her door . She must have carried them in. He wanted to ask who sent them but he had been playing pretense since he met her so he had no right.

He watched her leave and wished he could call her back, he just wanted her to be around him.


Lily turned around.

He wanted to say something nice , something good. He ended up saying,” You should make haste with those papers, there’s more work you have to do.”

“Yes sir “ she replied respectfully and disappeared behind her door.

Ryder stared at her door for some minutes before retreating into his office. Thoughts of her clouded his mind and he couldn’t stop thinking of the night they had made love. 

It was such a short time to actually be in love with someone so he concluded immediately that it was just an attraction that would wear off soon. He would always be professional towards her and he would master it.

Meanwhile Lily was staring at the flowers before her. There was a note that accompanied them which she hadn’t opened yet.

She thought of Ryder and the possibility that he sent the flowers. If he did, the note would leave a hint,she thought.

She sniffed in the wonderful scent of the flowers and giggled happily. Her first bouquet!

The note was in an unsigned envelope. It had gold flower embossings around the edges . Lily took the note from the envelope and unfolded it.

The note had only one sentence.Lily mouthed the words softly,’And just like flowers, so shall you bloom’

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