
Chaper Twenty Nine

Tatiana's POV

After training, Tatiana and Luca dropped Gaby back at the Village. On the trip home, Tia brought up her earlier conversation with everyone at the clinic. He listened intently before asking her questions.

"Tell me exactly what you felt when you realized Zoe was in trouble."

She paused for a moment to think about it, "I felt her pain. It felt like my own pain at first, but then I heard her screams."

"When you left the packhouse did you know where she was?"

"No, not really. It was instinct. I suppose I was running toward the Village, and then I felt a pull towards her location. I didn't recognize it at first, but after they mentioned it, I remember something, some sense, guiding me there. It is hard to explain. Is something wrong with me?"

Luca laughed, "No, Nothing is wrong with you, but you do have some unusual abilities."

"Sadie wants me to talk to Duncan about it, but I am not sure what he is supposed to do."

"I am not saying you shouldn't tell the Alpha, but we need to minimize the number of people that know about this. At the very least, until we have a better understanding of what is happening," he paused before continuing, "There is something else. Your eyes glow."

"My eyes do what?"

"When your wolf experiences strong sensations, your eyes glow."

"Why haven't you mentioned this before now?"

"I knew you would be alarmed, so I talked to Augustus."

"You did what?"

"Tia, he is an Elder. I also trust him implicitly. Elders are keepers of our history. If there has ever been a Werewolf that had your abilities they will know."

"So did he find one?"

"No, he could not remember any mention of such a Werewolf, but he was going to research it."

"Wonderful! So Augustus knows, as does Sadie, Zoe, and Gaby, and we are trying to keep it a secret."

"Bran knows as well."

Tatiana threw her hands up, "Okay, I might as well tell my brother. Everyone else knows.

Duncan's POV

Duncan and Sadie were in the office. Duncan was reviewing paperwork, and Sadie was sitting on the edge of his desk. She appeared bored, but Duncan had to get through the rest of his work before tonight's Luna dinner.

"So how much do you know about your sister's past?" she asked casually.

He looked up, slightly surprised at her new interest in Tia's past, "She was raised by a human until she was sixteen, and then she came to live with us, why?"

"I was just wondering," she paused, "How did she end up with a human parent?" She asked.

Irritated by the questions, Duncan looked at her, "I don't know. Why all the questions?"

"No reason. I was just curious." She said.

"If you must know, Tia doesn't talk much about her past. She was so young I doubt that she even knows how she ended up with William. He loved her as much as any human could. He was a real father to her, regardless of how they ended up together. One thing their relationship has taught me is that love trumps blood ties. Our relationship is a testament to that."

Sadie considered her words carefully before proceeding, "Do you notice anything different about her?" She asked.

Her comment piqued his interest, "What do you mean?"

"Have you noticed any abilities she has that transcend that of a normal Werewolf?"

"Quit playing with me Sadie, what are you asking?"

"The night of Zoe's attack, how did she know Zoe was attacked? How did she know where to find her?"

He looked at her suspiciously, "Why are you asking?"

"I am concerned about her? Zoe brought it up after she regained consciousness. She has some unusual abilities and was not aware they were unique."

"I will talk to her, but you need to go get ready for tonight," he said as he got up, walking around the desk to kiss her. She kissed him back hungrily as Tatiana walked in.

"Sorry, I will come back later," she mumbled, backing out of the room.

Duncan's eyes darted to her as Sadie pulled away, "No, you stay. Sadie was leaving. We need to talk."

Sadie was glad to see Tia was taking her advice, so she smiled and left the room.

Duncan's POV

Duncan walked back around and sat down at his desk, motioning for Tatiana to sit. "I hear you guys had a conversation at the clinic."

he stated.

"Yes, we did. Apparently, I can sense wolves in danger and find them without directions."

Duncan nodded, "Well, that is unusual, but I am not surprised. We could tell something was different about you when we first met you. Your wolf is enormous compared to other she-wolves, and your violet eye color is also rare."

"Great, so everyone thinks I am weird?"

"I don't know about that, but you are unique. However, we need to keep the circle tight on this one. The less people that know about your abilities the better."

"Yes," she sighs, "Everyone keeps saying that too."

"Wait, who is everyone?"

"You, Luca, Bran, Augustus, Sadie, and Gaby. I think that is it."

"Grandpa and Dad know, and nobody bothered to tell me?"

She put her hands up in surrender, "Don't look at me. The only people I talked to were at the clinic. Luca spoke to everyone else."

Duncan tried to contain his frustration, "Tell your boyfriend to come to me next time. I am the Alpha."

"My boyfriend is also your Zeta, and you weren't Alpha back then. So don't give him grief about it. We were all trying to provide you with space to help Sadie get settled in. It is not a conspiracy to withhold information."

She watched him mutter something under his breath, "Are you okay with Luca?" She asked, "I sure hope you don't still hold the fact that we are seeing each other against him."

"I don't have anything against Luca yet. If he continues to keep me out of the loop, that could change."

Tia rolled her eyes, "Okay, I am going upstairs to get ready. Shouldn't you be getting ready too?"

"Yes, I am headed up to get ready soon."

Tatiana's POV

Tatiana bounded up the stairs to find Luca showering. She slipped in behind him and wrapped her arms around his muscular body, "Where have you been?"

"I was talking to Duncan. Can we just stay in here tonight? Do you think anyone would notice?"

He chuckled, "I think so, but it is tempting," he turned around, pulled her face to his, and kissed her. Her knees went a bit weak as she felt his arousal pressed against her belly.

She sighed, "I will be so happy when this week is over."

Thinking for a moment, she asked, "Are we going to Seattle for a nice weekend away, or for me to be dissected under a microscope by the Elders?"

"Nobody is getting dissected, but yes, we will probably talk to some people and research your new abilities. Does that bother you?" He looked down at her. His brown eyes were searching hers.

"Do you realize you have the kindest eyes I have ever seen?"

"No, but you didn't answer my question."

She rolled her eyes, "It is fine. It wasn't what I had envisioned but I would like to know more also."

"Do you miss working for Grandfather?"

He thought about it, "I have fond memories of that time. He and Elspeth were family, and he is my closest friend. However, I also remember a lot of sadness during that time. I much prefer where I am now, here with you."

"You don't have to say that you know."

He raised an eyebrow, "I know."

She chuckled as she traced circles on the v-line of his stomach, "You know my brother is going to be a handful don't you?"

He sighed, "Yes, I am fully aware, but I promised Augustus a long time ago that I would serve his family as long as I am alive."

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